Sinder flew above the airship and made her way to the front, where the controls were. Gun in hand, she snuck over to the glass and saw two pilots. The glass was thick, but not thick enough to stop her bullets. She openly fired onto the pilots, blood splattered everywhere in the cockpit. The airship lost control and crashed. Sinder flew above it and watched as it hit the ground. Her guns were ready to kill anyone who exited the ship.
OOC: Ok here I go... BiC: Apparently the soldiers hadn't seen Sinder since she was a ways from the group. 'Mya...the chosen one?..." She had given great thought about this. 'Is that why I have such a great will to protect her?...' 'Am I her...gaurdian?..." Thoughts went endlessly through her head, but were stopped as Mya and the others were whisked away. "No time for thinking, I have to go to them." She unraveled her wings and followed the helicopters to the facility. When she got there, though, they were already escaping into a helicopter. Sinder followed then saw the blue light. "That is one big airship." She made her way to infiltrate the airship.
OOC: Holy bejeezus can you guys not go like 20 pages without me please? Recap please?
"It's dad. He was killed by the R.N.A. and I saw him. He was tied to a tree and I couldn't get to him. I didn't want to lose him again..." she said in a monotone. The dragon-girl looked at the boy for a moment but looked back down at the ground. Her wings laid limp behind her.
The girl's sobs became less as time passed on. She didn't hug the boy tightly anymore, just holding him. Sinder became calm eventually and moved to wipe her face with her arm. She sat back on her rear with a sad expression as she looked at the ground. The encounter with the R.N.A. had brought up the saddest moment in her life.
"He was... right there," she said inbetween sobs. Sinder turned and embraced Vaughn, hugging him tightly. She tried to forget the awful dream. But it was now imprinted in her mind.
Okies then :kiss:
Mayyyybe :P
yayz!!! :=D:
Sinder tried to reach out to her dad but he kept moving farther away from her. "DAD!!!" she called out in her sleep. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she curled up in a tight ball. "DAD! Dad I'm right here! Come back!" she yelled to her dead father as she continued reahing for him. She woke up in a sitting position and hid her face in her crossed arms that were on her knees. The girl sat and cried there on the floor. Her wings pressed up against her back.
Same here :/
How is you?
yeah i knows :.-.:
Looks like you need to get out of the closet. lol :lolface: Anywhoo, that is one strange dream
:/ .
Holy bejeezus youre on :=D: :glomp:
Im still gonna miss you ;~;
im having steak tonight lol :lolface:
No, YOU stop it
Yes, to put it quite frank.