I don't think it's that situational either... *gives you a signal*
He repeated it in response to Axel telling him to.
[video=youtube;z72RcChHyig]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z72RcChHyig&feature=related[/video] Hello everyone! and welcome to this weeks card rulings of the week! We picked PoD (Pot of Duality.) as this weeks card because Aqua doesn't get it! Now lets start with the first ruling... Say you special summon T.G. Striker, it was then negated by your opponent's solemn warning. VS. Can you play PoD on that turn? No. Even when negated, it still counts as you attempting to special summon. What if you used a card like...rekindling for example? VS. You can still use PoD on that turn because Solemn warning negated the spell which special summons. No special summon took place, unlike the first ruling, where you directly negated the monster. Now lets look at another interesting ruling. Lets say you activate PoD then I chain Call of The Haunted. VS. In this case, you reveal the top three cards of your deck BUT the card you pick goes to the grave. This is because Thunder King Rai-Oh's effect keeps you from adding cards even when PoD is already activated. In other cases, if Thunder King Rai-Oh is already on the field, you cannot activate PoD as PoD adds cards to the hand. If you activate Call of The Haunted and I chain Royal Decree, will you be able to use PoD that turn? VS. You would not be able to because, even when the effect of Call of the Haunted is negated, the activation of the card was not. It still counts as you attempting to special summon. Note: If you activate FuFu (Future Fusion.) you can activate PoD on the same turn. You may not activate PoD on the turn FuFu special summons though. Lets look at Solemn Judgment. VS. In this case, You can activate another PoD this turn because the activation of the first one was negated. You can also Special Summon that turn instead of using PoD if you do not have another one in your hand. And finally, the ruling that got me into doing this... A special shout out to Aqua! PoD's special summoning condition is...obviously a condition. If you cannot meet the conditions of the card, you cannot activate it. If you already special summoned on that turn, you no longer meet those conditions to activate PoD. To anyone who thinks this is incorrect... Well.... YOU'RE WRONG! And that concludes this weeks...Card of The Week! We hope to see you next time, when we go through the next card of the week! (which probably will never happen again unless I feel like doing this again.) All Credit goes to: http://www.newduelacademy.net/t1613-advanced-pot-of-duality-rulings Brooklyn of Duel Arena, Out. ------------------------------------------------- Breaking News!! Spoiler
He doesn't believe me nor those people nor Fred. If I remember correctly he told me he doesn't care what other people think. Edit: or did he tell me he doesn't care what other people say...
He doesn't get it... I told him several times, gave him Fred's message on it, gave him two different links stating that you can't, etc.
I'd like to ask you all to please convince Aqua that you can't use Pot of Duality on the turn you Special summoned a monster(s). He claims that you can activate it on the same turn if you do it after you Special summon.
Problem is, most people have lost interest in this arena. we should probably revive the arena before RPing as there's limited activity here now... I remember the last RP failed because it probably got too confusing or one person wasn't on that much to reply to an important role...which stopped the RP for far too long.
Ra had the effect of getting atk other than paying LP... but now it's just paying LP for it's atk.
Starseeker duels on DN now. the other one didn't come on lately, I think he left. Rienzel might. Terra Quit. thats all of them...unfortunetaly.
I think it's only him.
Is it...Lea?!
Lol... that was the first thing that caught my eye.
Just type in Red-Eyes.
did you try Red-Eyes Black Dragon? yes, you need the "-" in the middle of Red-Eyes.
You must have misspelled something then.
go to deck constructor and type in card names, that will give you the card in the right hand side. then you just have to drag and drop the cards into your main deck in the middle of the screen. your extra deck is the last bar, and the side deck is the bar above it. Edit: oh, and remember to save. there are buttons above the exit button, one of them is the save button.
Acually Jaden, I have corrected my teacher on things. and you know what? It has either raised my grade due to him/her being wrong or helped me to understand something better. I question my teacher's knowledge every day lol... Not in that tone of voice though... I'm probably seeing it in a different way xD (seeing what you said in a different way.)
@ Nickname. I am also offended by how you keep showing off what you didn't even put any effort into. (if that was the case.) and even if you made that deck, please stop showing off to everyone who comes across this arena. actually, this is showing off to the entire world, and its kind of pissing some people off. mainly the people who made the deck and had someone just come in and show it off like they made it. (which in most cases for you, is true.) @ everyone in the arena imagine if you made a deck and had another person show it off infront of you. the person also claims that it's their deck. how would you feel? Edit: I mean, if they didn't put any work into it and just copied it off somewhere and claim that it is their deck.
I agree with what you said about Glow-Up and Trish. Trish doesn't need to be banned, its Desynch that needs to be limited. and Glow-Up has a once per duel effect. I think what they're doing is making room for Xyz to be used more instead of being blocked out by synchro summons. They're probably going to change the entire banlist to make Xyz as good as synchros. by baning/limiting things that help make synchros swarmy and ban the synchros that make Xyz look obsolete.
That depends on how you summon it.