"honeslty Juliet after knowing me for all this time..." L started, finaly picknig the strawberry from the top of his cake and eating it. "I thought you of all people would realise i always look like this..."
"I've been how you would deffine as good..." L explained.
"That boy makes me wonder..." L stated, though obviously not showing it. "And how have you been?"
"****? you mean ciggarettes?" L questioned turning to Mello impasively. "Yould you mind getting him Mello? and Juliet, by the tone in your voice it's obvious you're not really happy, now please do something to cheer yourself up, you can even have some cake if you want..."
"I see..." L muttered. "and Juliet, please cheer up..."
"Nothing of any interest..." L muttered. "Where's Matt why aren't you with him?"
"Okay then..." L agreed, bringing the cake back and taking another bite patiently.
"Hmm... if you want you can have a bite of my cake...?" L offered, holding his cake up to Mello without looking.
"No..." L replied. "But you're just really down today... more so than usual"
"Huh..." L mumbled thoughtfully, sitting down in his classic style.
"You know Mello..." L stasrted between a mouthful of cake. "You should really find something else to do..."
L had turned his back to Mello and was walking back to the couch...
L smiled childishly as he reached in and took a cake.
"Is there any cake in there?" L asked walking over to Mello.
"Trying to find cake..." L explained, going through Watari's draws.
"honestly..." L muttered walking into the kitchen.
L had now reached the bottom of the stairs and turned towards the kitchen.
L was already half way down the stairs.
"Mello... has Watari moved his cakes again?" L asked changing the subject.
"Hmm... interesting..." L muttered thoughtfully biting his thumb. "Tell me Mello... are we going to have a repeat of last year?"