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  1. TheMuffinMan


    You can still use hacks on the DSi, in fact it's probably even easier because it comes with a SD card slot. Also, the fact that the DSi has more built-in RAM means that GBA games will be able to be emulated.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. TheMuffinMan

    There's quite a bit more to be excited about.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. TheMuffinMan
    Well, there's always cutting yourself.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  4. TheMuffinMan
    You seem rather proud of the fact that you're completely ignorant. So, wouldn't that make you a prime example of the topic at hand? You know, the topic of students today being complete fucktards

    What other discussion is even going on here? You mean the one where your friend says something stupid, and then you quote them saying "I AGREE!", and then you say something stupid, and they post saying "I AGREE!"?

    Nothing about me posting is preventing someone else from doing so, so I don't have to stop posting just to "let" other people post.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. TheMuffinMan

    I got surgery on my knee, and then I ran a triathlon, and then cured cancer.

    What's up now.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. TheMuffinMan
    You must be half brain-dead if you think 3 paragraphs is a god damn "lecture".

    Why should anyone be limited to writing "2 line" summations of what they think just to appease the fact that you're an illiterate twat who can't be assed to read?

    Up until this point this wasn't particularly an argument, we're having a discussion here, seeing as this is the "discussion" section, and not the "let's circlejerk and agree with one another" section. If you can't deal with someone saying something contrary to what you said, then don't make stupid comments.

    Also, I really like the "you have no friends" bit, it really exemplifies your flawless middle-school reasoning.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. TheMuffinMan


    There's currently an election going on.

    In my pants.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TheMuffinMan
    Maybe you should stop being a lazy ass and do shit for yourself.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. TheMuffinMan
    Considering McCain/Palin rallies lead to cries of "Obama is a terrorist" and "No Muslims!" and "Keep the White House White!", I don't see how you can say that "people aren't racist", or that race isn't a factor working against Obama as much as you say it's working for him.

    I mean, look at this:

    This is what people think.

    And frankly, you're making a ridiculous generalization that "Obama is winning because black people will vote for him because he's black". The Black population in America is 10% of the population, so even if your heinous generalization were true, and every single Black person in the entire United States voted for him simply because of his Race, more then 40% of the rest of America would have to agree with his policies and have faith in him as the right person to lead the country for him to have the majority vote.

    Not to mention that I hardly think the Electoral College is thinking "I gotta help a brotha out, yo"
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. TheMuffinMan
    It means you've recieved a messageboard message from one of your friends, or Nintendo has sent you a Firmware update.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. TheMuffinMan
    Maybe you shouldn't say stupid things then.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. TheMuffinMan
    Oh yes, I forgot that things aren't worth owning unless they are perfect.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  13. TheMuffinMan
    First off, no "kid" is going to randomly hop on a plane to the Phillipines. If someone is taking a trip halfway across the globe, it's going to be an Adult, and a god damn Adult is going to research what the country is like that they just spent $2000 on plane tickets to fly to.

    Secondly, why do you seem to have this strange assumption that peoples the world? You seem to like statistics, did you know that 70% of Americans will never travel outside of their home state, much less out of the country?

    This is not solely an American issue, and frankly you're being quite ignorant to say that it is. As someone 2 posts above your pointed out, why do you think this is only a problem with America? They live in Australia, but do they have any particular knowledge of the world either? Any moreso then the average American education? This is a worldwide issue that the education systems don't properly educate people on geography, but it's also an issue of the fact that the majority of the time the knowledge may have been learned, but forgotten because in most peoples lives it is never applied int he first place. Most people don't have a daily inclination to wonder "Hmm, I wonder where Haiti is?" or "When is the rainy season in Brazil?", because it's not relevant to most peoples everyday lives.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. TheMuffinMan
    Saying that he has "no credibility" is complete bullshit, considering it's all complete PR spin. Contradictions happen when you're being analyzed 24/7 for over a year straight, that doesn't mean you're a devious person who lies through his teeth constantly to get ahead. Obama said he would take public funding in moderation with the Republican Campaign, under the assumption that the public funding he would be receiving would be of normal levels. How was Obama to know a year ago that the American people would donate more to his campaign then any other presidential candidate in history? Obama received astronomical public funding and donations, and he's supposed to not spend that money promoting his campaign? He's supposed to take peoples money, who donated so that they could help him win, and say "Yeah, I might as well stockpile your money and not spend any more then John McCain is using to attack me". The article uses a bullshit term like "He's rolling in money", when this is the exact opposite case, because if he was doing what the person asks and putting a cap on his campaign spending, he would literally be sitting on piles of money that he's choosing to not spend.

    And on the note of Obama in specific having "no credibility" because of things like this, what do you even thing of the opposing camp, who adamantly makes up lies about Obama's policies and dig up quotes and associates of his from 5-10 years ago, just so that they could fabricate]/b] stupid negative PR buzz about him and call him un-American and a god damn Terrorist?
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. TheMuffinMan


    It's called "Womens Liberation". Want to be equals with men? Then pull your own god damn chair out, and open your own damn car door. Men don't have to give you special treatment anymore, you worked hard to get equality, so deal with it.

    Also, attractive men get to be jerks, because women attracted to attractive men let them do it.

    You say "Oh, I hate how hot guys have to be jerks", but at the drop of a hat girls toss their panties off for them. So, why exactly should they act any different, if they get to be that way and still get laid? They don't have to work harder to get women, so they don't need to be particularly nice or mindful of girls feelings at all to get women to like them, so they can be jerks all they want.

    So, it's your fault.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. TheMuffinMan
    Do what math? The math that you made up? Just because the man is active doesn't mean he's incapable of getting sick, him going out and god damn jogging isn't going to negate his severe heart and skin conditions.

    What kind of logic is this? We "survived" Bush, so that means it's A-OK to keep doing the same ****, or have someone even less qualified in office? We shouldn't have to survive a god damn President, or grit our teeth and bear it, we should have a President that can make us prosper. And in case you didn't notice, us surviving Bush has put the country and economy in the largest debt it's seen in it's entire existence.

    This statement is taken out of context. When asked whether he thought he was prepare to run the country, Obama said that he wasn't, but that the truth is no one is ever really ready to lead an entire country, and anyone that tells you they are is lying. There's a difference between being ready, and simply being the best person for the job.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. TheMuffinMan
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. TheMuffinMan

    There is

    Well, looking at the situation, the problem here seems to be that:

    1. He doesn't like your artwork.
    2. He has a problem with you complaining about people who "typ leik dis"

    So, looking at this objectively, I don't think anyone here has any particular reason to believe he is a moron or idiot. For one, we don't know of your artistic proficiency, so he may have legitimate reasons to criticize your artwork, and even if not, there is nothing particularly wrong with criticism, you're supposed to take it and learn to do better.

    As for issues 2, the problem here seems to lie with you, because you abrasively complain about peoples typing skills, and ignorantly proclaim that someones poor typing skills are inherently related to how much they need to get girlfriends, implying that they have no lives or that they are undesirable. Now, he has every reason to disagree with this, because frankly if matters such as these are coming up in your everyday conversations during class, you're probably an unbearable twat.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. TheMuffinMan
    Wasn't this all detailed when the game was first announced? Stuff like the Little Sister stuck on the Ferris Wheel and you have to get 3 lightning-related weapons to shock the fuse box to get the running again, etc.

    Anyway, sounds pretty fun if the challenges are really creative
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. TheMuffinMan

    It's basically like Xbox Live or the Playstation Network, only for PC Gaming, and it's free.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Gaming