Die a horrible painful death.
That, however, is not what you said. You stated that this section was specifically labeled "Intelligent Discussion", which is certainly is not. Also, I don't believe anything I've posted in this thread is particular unintelligent, it's simply lacking in tact.
The term "weaboo" is more adequate, as it has roughly the same association with enjoyment of anime/japan culture, but is much more playful in intent.
Actually this "zone" is not labelled "Intelligent Discussion" at all, it's simply labeled "Discussion" Glad to see reading comprehension is your strong suit.
Oh, and also I had sex with your mother.
Umm, you would be surprised how easy you can find people to say stupid things on any random street in the world if you flash a camera in their face. And, I mean, I presently have a Finnish friend living with me right now, and when he first moved here he didn't know how to use a Doorknob...
Contrary to your weaboo tendencies, "Otaku" is not a flattering Japanese term to attribute to yourself because "lolz I reik teh animu". Calling someone an "Otaku" is an insult, it's meant to imply that you have absolutely no life, social skills, are completely obsessed with Anime to the point of most likely having sex with Lifedolls of your favorite animu characters and crying yourself to sleep afterwards, or pinning a picture of an anime character to the chair opposite to you while you eat dinner to pretend that you're not eating microwave noodles completely alone like the sad waste of space you are. Have a nice day.
Blood Sunday happened 35 years ago , LittleArtistNamine >_>
Haha, naw, I don't particular care and wasn't offended, being over-dramatic is just fun as hell and Daxma is a cockbite.
I live here:
Pfft, whatevs, if you want me to give a serious response. Anyway, I like the line about me being a spoiled American, because I'm pretty sure I spent several years living in Ireland with my relatives, and I'm pretty sure my name is Christopher Thomas O'Toole the 6th, with 5 previous generations of Irish O'Tooles being named such, with my great great grandparents having come to America faced with great prejudice, set to work building Railways across the nation as one of the few means of work people would allow a dirty Irishman to do. So you may ask why I so choose to joke about a horrific event such as this, much to your annoyance, despite my own Irish heritage? The answer: Because I like to fuck with people
Hopefully your present is a big ol batch of AIDs.
I'd love the ability to shove my penis into shallow, easily manipulated, overemotional teenage girls
If you can't think of anything, then you've already failed.
Sucessful forums provide a service that interests people. This website was started by a couple guys who wanted to record all the Cutscenes in the Kingdom Hearts games and host them for people to watch without playing the game, and also to use in AMVs and such. It gained popularity via a simple humorous web series called Dramatic Hearts which encouraged people to stay with the community, and eventually they recruited people to report on Kingdom Hearts news to keep the fans up to date and keep visiting the site, and then the community snowballed. So basically, unless you're providing something interesting that people want, no one wants to be apart of your ****** community.
I dunno, some attention whore?
Nah I think you're screwed bro. Can I have your stuff.
Anyone who doesn't name the main character of every game Christopher Walken is a ***.
Jesus christ you guys sure are several months late on this one. Hold on bro, this'll blow your mind: (╬ ಠ益ಠ) (ノಠپಠ) (◔ヮ◔) (;・∀・) (´▽`) (◕ ◡ ◕) щ(゚Д゚щ) (σ゚∀゚)σ (°ロ°) (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ (~ºωº)~ (°д°) ¯\(º_o)/¯ へ へ の の も へ ๏̯͡๏)