I'm pretty sure you're still alive... I think. And care to elaborate on this hunch? :>
17. asdasdrndgnhdyh
15. asdasdrndgnhdyh
13. And probably because we went over 100, only to come crashing back down... ._.
Waking the Demon, by Bullet for my Valentine. :yelling:
10. asdasdrndgnhdyh
I'm an it. 8D
8. How so, Hippie Moses?
4. asdasdrndgnhdyh
... >: 2.
98 I guess...?
88. fillerfiller
...Why? fillerfiller
85 Random thing.
78 Banhammer.asdasdrndgnhdyh
75 Spdude...
72 Taco bombs.
Coming from someone whose username is "Hippie Jesus"? 70
68 SuperSpecialAwesome.
66. Bananas. 'Cause... ... I dunno. o.O