If you insist. Congradulations on accusing someone who isn't Kira. =X
'Kay then. And Magic Jammer can't destroy Counter Counter, it only destroys magic cards. However, since I still have a card in my hand, I choose to go back before my battle phase even began to Special Summon: By sending Gagagigo from the graveyard out of play. Pikeman, attack Aura. Daedalus, attack Sillva. Aqua spirit, attack Mimiru's life points directly. My math may be wrong, but now you should have around 300 life points left now.
You just agreed with me that the field was cleared of magic/trap cards though. If both Magic Jammers were activated before my turn even began, Amulet of Ambition could not have been destroyed.
But listen to me. It doesn't matter that your second Magic Jammer is faster than my Mystical Space Typhoon, it's still not yet activated. And since Mystical Space Typhoon is to destroy it, you either activate your LAST remaining face down to destroy Mystical Space Typhoon, or don't do anything at all. Here's how it went; Two face downs, Mystical Space Typhoon activated to destroy one, Counter Trap card activated to negate Mystical Space Typhoon, Counter Trap card activated to negate Magic Jammer. That leaves two magic/trap cards on the field, and mine says to destroy yours. Speed doesn't matter, it'll still result in the field being cleared of magic/trap cards.
That still makes no sense. You have two cards face down on the field. I activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy one. Then you activated Magic Jammer. I activated Counter Counter, and thus Magic Jammer IS NEGATED. As in it did NOT destroy Mystical Space Typhoon, did NOT cause you to discard one card, and did NOT allow you to summon Sillva. And since Mystical Space Typhoon was NEVER negated, your other card is STILL destroyed. MEANING NO MAGIC/TRAP CARDS ON THE FIELD. I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to get my point across. This should be very simple to understand. =/
...What the heck are you talking about? Magic Jammer is a counter trap card. By negating it, the effect to discard one card never happened, thus Sillva was never discarded, and thus never summoned.
I could just count the "saved" card as not being activated at all because of no picture, but I'd rather just do this. Activate my remaining face down! Thus Magic Jammer never destroyed Mystical Space Typhoon, Warlord of Dark World wasn't summoned, Amulet of Ambition stays, and your life points still hit zero.
Me neither. =/
I'm going to assume this is the end of your turn? If it isn't, then just tell me, and I'll redo this turn. Alright, upon you setting your magic/trap card, I activate my face down! Thus destroying one! And now it's my turn. -Draw- Time to put my plan into action! First, I play the card: Thus destroying the face down monster on your side of the field. And that just leaves Aura. Now! I'll play the magic card: Destroying Gagagigo and Mobius, and allowing me to special summon LEVIA DRAGON, DAEDALUS! And also allowing me to summon the Atlantean Pikeman! Now I equip Atlantean Pikeman with: I love this move. Now your Aura will be a piece of cake compared to my 2-star'd uber-powered Pikeman! :yelling: I enter my battle phase, and attack Aura with Atlantean Pikeman! Your obnoxiously huge amount of stars shall be your downfall! Next, if Aura is destroyed, ATTACK MIMIRU'S LIFE POINTS DIRECTLY, DAEDALUS!!!!! And that should add up to your life points hitting zero. ^^ (If not, Main Phase 2 most likely)
(For the record, if you want a monster to have an effect, don't make it a normal one.) But you've made a mistake! Your card doesn't say from the top of my deck, it says from the bottom! That.... doesn't really matter, but still! :yelling: I'll end my turn now, by the way. Your move.
Alright then, my turn~ -Draw- First, I set two magic/trap cards face down on the field: And now I play the card: Allowing me to draw two more cards. Then I play: Allowing me to discard the two cards, And Next, I play the card: To special summon my Deepsea Macrotrema in face up attack position from the graveyard! Since it's a special summon, I can now tribute it to summon Mobius, the Frost Monarch!!! This will activate two effects, one being the tribute summoning of Mobius causing your two face down magic/trap cards to be destroyed, and the second activating Deepsea Macrotrema's effect! All face up water monsters I control on the field will be granted 500 extra attack points until the end of this turn! Next I play, Which will allow me to summon an extra monster! Come forth, Gagagigo! And unless I read it wrong, Gagagigo also gains 500 extra attack points. Either way, I'll still enter my battle phase. Gagagigo, attack Mimiru's face down monster! If Gagagigo destroys the monster, then Mobius, ATTACK MIMIRU'S LIFE POINTS DIRECTLY!!! I'll probably be going into my main phase 2 after this, depending on what happens.
I know you are, I can see it in the quote. But it says the pics are from the site....
I... don't see them? o.O Why not try using something like Tinypic?
'Kay then. Anything else you want to apply, go ahead. I await your post. :ninjacat:
If you actually have to ask that question... Maybe.
22. Yes. Yes it is. :>
Your Hebrew text confuses me. :B|:
xD I've been rewatching the series, and its opening always made me go "wtf". In a good way though. I don't trust walking talking pink doggy plushies. >:
20. asdasdrndgnhdyh