Wasn't Pika Power accused?
136. FillerFillerFiller 136. FillerFillerFiller
I'm not sure... o.o 134.
131. So... how 'bout them skittles?
129. FillerFillerFiller
Well, might as well jump in on this whole accusation thingymajigger.... I ACCUSE ARCHVICE! For the fact that I don't think I've seen him post in this thread 'cept once since like... ever. :B|:
125. FillerFillerFiller
...The hell did I miss? o.o Eh, was kinda hoping to finish that duel... though I guess I need to get used to some things. Jaden... I am begging you. PLEASE post those rules on the front page. Dx And also, when I did that I had common sense in mind. My move centered around Aura being the only card on the field, and therefore allowing me to win that turn. If Sillva were special summoned BEFORE my turn even started, that throws off the entire plan and by the laws of common sense, I wouldn't go ahead with that plan as it was if I had the choice not to. But eh, it's your thread.
122. Wow, this far?
That is exactly what I want to know.
21. FillerFillerFiller
19. FillerFillerFiller
16. FillerFillerFiller
14. FillerFillerFiller
I significantly doubt it will ever be released, but hey, you could always hope?
Vash...? From Trigun? Kickass.
11. FillerFillerFiller
I wanted to ask, (This regarding the duel) which happens first? when a monster card attacks another monster card in attack position, is the...
9. Gogogogo!
2. rgbvcgfhndgnf