Because-he obviously was lost in his rage XDD
in the story Ryoku and Mitrea brake up because-One night They where both swimming at the beach at midnight-Kayoko attacks them-Ryoku kills him-He...
He turned his head away-avoiding Miteta's eyes "...I was-I was locked back into-t-the Asylum..." the words seemed to hurt him,he sobbed "..Then-it-it got too bad for me-" he cried "-Stuff-stuff I cant tell you-a-about-but..." he lifted his arms and showed Miteta his wrists-they where both horrifically scared "...Life's been hell..."
Yes-but its sad :( lol
He looked away-hiding his hair behind his freshly dyed dark blue hair-he coiled his lips inside his mouth "...Alot has H-happened since that night..." he looked down-he was shaky.
Okay-seems right lol-lol this part is actuality cute and tragic at the same time XDD
Ryoku looked into Mitetas eyes recognized her immediately-he inhaled quickly "M-Miteta?" he dropped his bags and automatically hugged her "...Its been a long time...." he felt a tear rolling down his cheek.
Heres the link so read it for yourself-Its reopened but he'll be keeping an eye on the tread for a...
X( Fayt-Harkwind blocked the newer Paupu Academy so I asked him about reopening it-so we just have to wait for and see...
Please lol
No im not mad...As long as in the story Ryoku and Mitrea brake up because-One night They where both swimming at the beach at midnight-Kayoko...
Story: After two long years of battle,Sora,Riku and kairi settle back down in Destiny Islands... This being,they must attend Paupu Academy.... Rules: 1. No god-modding 2. No power-playing 3. Apperances must be URLs 4. fights are exciting,lets face it, but keep it to a minimum... 5. if you kill someone you will be expelled (ask if you want to kill) 6. keep yaoi and yuri to the dorms lol 7. write 'happy go go super baby' so i know you read the rules... 8.This tread got closed before for inappropriate posts-so no sex XP and even if there is make it a before and after kinda thing-this is the most important rule!!!! HeadMaster Username:SoraUchiha Name:Xenophelius Nagi Basilisk Age:??? Gender:Male Apperance: Bio:Not much is known about Mr.Basilisk...but he is known to have a dark past Personality:warm,calming but forceful Other:is rumored to be a half a nobody Teachers(all children listed {if any} are now adults) Tidus: Yuna: Auron(Defence Against The Dark Arts):SoraUchiha Wakka: Lulu: Rikku: Paine: Cid(Business and Technology):TheDeadGuy Braska: Seymour Guado: Sin: Yu Yevon: Lenne and Shuyin: yen sid: cloud(Gym Class):TheDeadGuy leon:BaseSebastian aerth: seperoith:BaseSebastian --------------------------------- Scáthach(Combat and Guidance Councillor)-SoraUchiha Students Sora: Riku:MandyXRiku4ever Kairi:keybladewarrioroflegend Tidus: Wakka: Selphie: Hayner: Pence: Olette: Seifer: Foo:Haiena.Koinu Rai: Vivi: ------------------------------ Trixis:Key master Sora Ares Osiris Xerxes:Haiena.Koinu Neal Lee Rampart:The True Key Neoph Vermillion Rampart-keybladewarrioroflegend Ame Omoide Nagasu-Shadow_Rocks Hideo (hide) Jun Koike-Flamedancer Miteta Sakura Uchicha-MandyXRiku4ever Ryoku-SoraUchiha OC Form: Username: Name (First, middle, last): Age for students (Between 12-19): Age for teachers (between 19-55): Gender: Year: Average Grades: Your one great flaw: Apperance: Bio: Personality: Other: __________
PAPPY ACADEMY GOT CLOSED!!!! *Cries* Dont worry-ill just copy and paste the tread and make a new one and we can just carry on from where we...
Dont we all XDD
Awwww ^^ and I gots a lil sis here!!! XDD
XXD Will do-but tomorrow-ive G2G lol
My earliest memory is me at a few months-trying to move my crib (While im inside it) trying to get toys on a shelf on the other side of the room-I actually get frustrated remembering it XDD
All Summer Long by Kid Rock -_- He's a total wannabe-he thinks he's great And he stole riffs by G'n'R!! Grrr...Now im pissed off X(
Yeah-It sounds celebratory XDD
OOC-lol-Okay Seriously calm the fuck down XDD