Oi! I know Reno quite well O:< I have played every FFVII game :3 Likes happy people :3
Lenay Ava Shay Hannah Kahlan Cara Darla Janey Seriously people? What's with all the weird or asian names @-@
I think the entire thread itself is spam @-@ I mean, it's in the Discussion section, but posting your picture isn't really discussing anything, and people don't really go into in-depth discussions about their pics.
Likes Reno's... Tongue? @-@
Guys. I watched Law Abiding Citizen today. Holy **** that movie is so good. Gerard Butler was a gorgeous psychopath(that's so weird to say). The plot was magnificent, and the effects were... almost vomit-inducing(in a good way). Spoiler I was amazed at how Gerard Butler managed to rig everything to kil people/destroy things/blow **** up while he was in prison. His tunnel system was impressive.
The thread is extremely spammy when people don't post pictures. It's a bit irritating. Will it get moved to the spamzone eventually?
I cried at Harry Potter when Spoiler Dumbledore died... That was sad. And when Spoiler fred died in the last Harry Potter book... I cry when my favorite characters die D: I also cried when Spoiler Brom died in the first Eragon book :[ And when the Spoiler horse died in that one book Beauty. Which is weird, 'cause animal deaths usually don't bother me. Spoiler I think it was the fact that the kid had to kill the horse himself that got to me. I could never kill anything ; ;
Spoiler Spoiler Lenayy gots a boooyfriend :3
Happy birthday!
Have fun in Canada! I hope you have good time :3 Come back safe.
I hated the ending D:< It made me mad. There needed to be another season >> << The graphic novel that came out was good though.
Posty post? 8D
No. Girls should not be on boys teams. I'm not a huge feminist, so I think that men are naturally stronger than women, and should have their own sports team. Plus, if I was on an all-boy team for ANY sport, I'd feel outplayed, nervous, and I'd be super scared of getting my ass beat at everything.
'Cause it was on the front page still. It's not like I bumped it from 6 pages back xD ;o
I personally don't give a ****. The situation is WAY overhyped. She chose to take a picture of herself naked, she put it on the internet, she paid the consequences. I somehow don't think she was hacked. I think she put them up, then realized it was a mistake. This **** happens. I've made the same mistake before(Just not with the internet thank GOD), and it's embarrassing as hell, but you just gotta learn to get over it. It's a tough lesson learned.
If it is, the US will probably lose D:
Lol. He threw a puppy at a bike gang, and STOLE A BULLDOZER!? That's AWESOME! Who does that?! 8D Serious props.
I don't like nightmares. I hate being scared. It's uncomfortable, and frightening. When I have a nightmare, it terrifies me, because my nightmares are... not about blood-soaked zombies.
I guess that's true.. . It still sucks though :\ I just... If I had nothing but good intentions, I would be furious.