aww cupcake im sorry u can go!:rockdoversad: i hope u find something even better to do!
:| well u know i just ate hot dogs so i totally forgot im way too fool to eat that uhh... give it to emmy if she comes back soon
Cooking! idk why its the only job i could see my doing... oh and btw not cooking at likie Mcy' ds but like at a nice gourmet or somthing like that kinda place~
lol its an 8 minute song... oh and tell me what you think about it
is it a sugar cookie?
LOL! show her the song a lilttle peice of heaven by avenged sevenfold keep the volume down....
truly a wonderful work of talent combined with great writing schemes and a freakin awesome plot! :rockdover:
:cheers: *fillerz*
urgh sorry i have a horrible temper problem... it doesn't come out often just when stuff really pisses me off...
what do you mean v? like V for Vendetta?
OMG dude im not a freakin idiot geez i understand that fact
Red bull gives u wings
... -.- fine god no offense but i know why ppl drove kik away...
every freakin time lol... ive had to post this for the third time today lol! I had two red bulls! Geez red bulls give u wings XD
*Tear* i thought u loved me! God i really am waaay too hyper! ive gotta stop... woh slow down buceroo
HAHAHA i made the funeral! Box attacks Emmy! :ranting:
Ok first of all she isn't really dead.... Friends... we are gathered here today to wittness the departure... of a great friend of ours.. Kikame... err Sai... WHATEVER! anywho, Her anger got the best of her... she let in on her feelings and decided to leave the forums... for a month... or really? secretly? a lifetime? Yes people drove her to her limits *ehm* no names... Burnitup... :guns2:Burnitup. So we dont want to greave her going away. After all she is in a better place... Or well not really but it is to her. Not us. So let us leave this place not in sorrow and anger... but in happyness! So let us relate the good times......... *Que Dramatic Music* Dun-dun dun! Ohoohoh *Que new song* "Baby Come Back! Ill be a fool for youu! BABY COME BACK! I just can't let you gooho! oh Baby come baackkack... But no seriously let us relive the best times we had with her...
if u haven't read any of my other posts i had two red bulls... they give u wings oh and for calling me rediculous.... :guns2:Burnitup :ranting:
then stop slapping ur face *Facepalm* lol No seriously it wil help it... *puts a box in front of her* fine then burnitup im gonna have a funeral for her i the spam zone! and if anyone wants to come u can...
i know u r on it i was askin for u wana b 1st but i sad i was jkin nvrmind... i know she not ded but a funeral... i mean she is in a better place lol