lol You got rough 1024 of em XD
So you have a little over 1000 gig. DUDE! SEND ONE MY WAY! lol XD For our birthday maybe? :3 For Ozz's birthday perhaps? "26. Prove you’re alive....
Oh, by the way. I am reading a list of rules. A list of very epic rules. Here is my favorite so far :3 "13. Talking to yourself is healthy. Is...
lol YES! An a second hard drive would be nice XD But dad wont let me have one because he thinks its insane for one person to have nearly 200 gigs...
lol Lets see if I can manage not to need Mickey? Yea, probably not gonna happen XD Oh, and random fact. I have over 100 thousand files on my...
lol Especially on critical mode lol. Xaldin will probably be a ***** XD
Le huh. I shall have to try it. I will probably continue KH2FM this weekend. I am currently working on Pokemon because with the computer problems...
Nice. have I told you about the place in pride lands thats great for leveling? Got me to 99 on the ps2 :D
lol I can't wait to try it myself. What level are you?
lol How well did that you? You try and fight him?
lol Google tis a friend. So, you beat Mansex yet? :D
Ah. Then thats cool I guess. But now I want to play fruit ninja on kinect XD But then again, I don't feel like jumping around like a fool in the...
lol Its never too late to learn. I taught myself :D That, and the world wide web kinda helped out.... a little... XD
Sweet :) Well, actually not really lol. Shoe shopping sounds kinda bland. NEEDS NINJAHS! lol
Ah, sounds just like what youtu-... I mean, it sounds exactly as I imagined it! :3 I would know for sure if it werent for computer problems as you...
Somewhat sick, but good :) Whats up? Anything awesome happen since we last spoke?
Kcah? Hellz yea! Get a mirror XD Whats it like? All cavey and memorable? Sadly computer problems have had me held up XD
Howdy, how are you? :D
You could always kcah :3 lol. You got to hall or rememberence? Data and such?
Yea, as everybody else has said it depends on the situation. But meh, if its something you want to do, makes you happy, etc, then go for it. Screw the rest of the world lol.