Dear God, was that a HORRIBLE reveal. I kept on hoping the host who was watching it would make more jokes to kill time. It was boring, not anything about the games, nor any excitement. It even sounds like canned applause. Bye Xbox... I am now betting that PS4 is giving flower baskets and Wii U candy to Microsoft in thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1369512950][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT: Not sure if this is true anymore, you can correct if I'm wrong. The biggest hype of the system, the whole: "Watching tv via Xbox." Is just in the U.S. So any other country can't use the feature when the system comes out.
I'd post this video, but it's two hours long. It's just a go hosting a show with a chat and watching the reveal. If someone wants to see it, I'll post it, but it's 2:47:00 hours long about. It does contain some swearing. Haven't watched all of it yet, though. :p His reaction to the name: "Oh ****..." EDIT: Decided to add it. He brings up some really interesting points.
Oh, I'm getting a kick out of this... And I know I shouldn't... It was an ACCIDENT that they announced no used games. The host wasn't supposed to announce that and he did by accident. They apparently are posting a bunch of blogs about it. I don't have an article, but I found a video on it: I have heard that Gamestop is selling the games from XboxOne, they have a way around it. Though that REALLY still screws the people who sell on Amazon. They can't sell these games used, and most likely stores that are smaller which I sell my games to at a MUCH better payback than Gamestop will not get the used games without the fee. Well, Gamestop is going to be thrilled with this. They're going to get a massive kickback from this. I don't fully know, it sounds like the answer is changing more than they change their underwear. But I'm still not buying it, I also sell games on Amazon, I get a quite a bit of money for Christmas from it. I know a ton of people who do the same. I am not going to get a One, even if they change the used policy there's too many factors with the Kinect and always online. One person put a great comment about albeit a bit paranoid, on a Vlog about how Microsoft can basically take all this information now and use it for their own gain. Marketing, information, who watches what, who plays what, who downloads what. All this info will be via the Internet. Dunno if it will happen, but it doesn't sound good if it does. Also, I realized unless you really get a nice big room. Most dorm rooms aren't ten feet. That is including removing the furniture. A single room at a stretch is ten feet. A double maybe, depending on the room. My room was WAY less than ten feet for my single. That's not enough room for a Kinect.
Link doesn't work at least for me, dude... But I'm not surprised. I almost went to GameStop while I was at the mall tonight because I was curious about their reactions. The store was pretty packed though so I decided against it.
I have decided not to get the One for reasons I already mentioned enough times probably people have memorized it. lolz... As for the Wii U, unless a really great game that really catches my attention comes out, I am skipping it also. I loved Nintendo until the Wii came out. I tried Twilight Princess and Galaxy and lost interest in them after a while. I never really got into their sequels and traded my Wii after about four years of not touching it for a PS2. I need a REALLY good game for me to be convinced to buy the system. If they do old school Zelda, maybe I'll be interested. If they do Xenoblade Chronicles and make it mass market, maybe I'll get it. It has to be an extensive library I know I would like and get easily and enjoy for ages. PS4, I honestly got a PS3 late in the game. Last year to be exact. I am keeping an eye on it, but I don't see myself getting it unless something really catches my eye that I want this time and it's cheaper. I can't really afford a new system right now and if I did, I would have to know it's worth it. Right now, I'm staying out of the console wars this generation.
That and most options from little I know since it's either tv or the Internet for entertainment is that most commercials no longer are shown with different programs like at least Netflix. I don't know about the others. Sorry if I'm wrong.
Sorry, I didn't mean all Halo fans. Just a group of friends I rp with who want the new Xbox just because Halo is exclusive. At least that's the only reason they're giving me. I didn't mean to insult anyone, sorry. I'm a Halo fan also and I'm not getting it.
Yeah, I was like: ...... I have a remote....... Why do I need a 450 dollar one? A lot of the bigger gamers are saying that there's no way in hell they're going to have enough space for all their games in the console because of the transfer. They were really mad about it.
I still doubt on that. I'm guessing another Final Fantasy spinoff of XIII and another Kingdom Hearts game. I am looking forward to E3 though.
Me to a friend: So you get all this stuff and a dog... Friend: Dog...? Me: Oh yeah, I didn't tell you about the dog. I am getting a kick out of this just telling Halo fans about it. Some are getting it, but I see the happiness about it slowly going away with it. I really do love the 360, but man, did they mess this one up.
The thing is that they asked for more shelters in 1999. When this happened last time. They asked via FEMA for grants. They kept on being pushed aside because every time it came up the "standards" and requirements for shelters had changed.They were never given the money. I hope this time it's enough of a wake-up call for more shelters to be made in Oklahoma City. It's scary that for over ten years this was ignored, I hope that it will change this time. Especially now that more people seem willing to donate money towards this type of thing due to the press. Warning: DOES CONTAIN SOME SWEARING!!! I compromised. I just feel more comfortable with it. =3 If you really want a link, message me.
Dude, the final answer is no. Leave it.
It has other jokes in there, too... I don't feel comfortable posting it here. It's not for kids.
I love it, thank you. =3 It's great.[DOUBLEPOST=1369308596][/DOUBLEPOST]Dumb question... EDIT: I got it. That was embarrassing.
Dude, there's way too much stuff for this to be approved. The answer is no period.
Nope, I don't think so. It's Youtube anyway.[DOUBLEPOST=1369277268][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh God, there goes renting for me. Ugh........ T_T And I like renting. Course, I'm not getting the system.
I am watching a heavy gamer review the system right now. I'd show a link, but it has swearing in every sentence. He seems upset.
Yeah, I see already fanboys saying they're buying it. They got mad when I pointed out the flaws. lolz... I have a temper and strong opinion, though.