>_> I want GIMP...Good job its your best one 10/10
Glad you didnt dance in school >_>
Ello my duckie!(>_>) Welcome to KH-VIDS *hands cookie* *hands newbie helment* Enjoy you stay, I'm element. and PM Me if you need anything!
Hullo there! *hands a cookie* WEclome to kh-vids!
YAy your back *huggles* *hands cookies* I thought you died. XD
Ready to fall -rise against
much muffins that....
That's when my shoes were clean, now there a star on the toe part and one of them say grills on the side Misty: XD Wear that to school and I'll give you a dollar XD
I got it! It emind me of when me and my cousin would play it for N64 We would fight over the tiger.
0_o Kay than.... I love that game...I learned noy to jump on it though R.I.P Element's Hungrey Hungrey Hippo game
Welcome! If you need any help with anything PM me.
Welcome to kh-vids! *hands cookie* Enjoy your stay, PM me if you need help with anything. (Don't double post!)
Hiya, Welcome back! Love your siggys ^_^. PM me if you need help with anything!
Your English is good! Welcome to Kh-vids and if you need help at all PM me!
Hullo, Welcome to Kh-vids! I am element, PM me if you need help with anything! Love your avie. =3
Wow, That is awsome....Very creative
I am using Green Fox
Welcome to Kh-Vids! If you need help with anything PM me! BTW I am element.