DOnt give up! You should have seen my bad grammer when i 1st joined.
Thank. I REALLY need GIMP. 200TH POST!
I know, when I earn my Laptop I am gonna download GIMP
USed picture found on photobucket
At least I am not a huge fat person poor, Misty would have dided XDDDDDDDD
A Adman A Ad Man A Mad An A Dam An A And Ma A And Am Ad Ma An Ad Am An
Sorry for rolling on you.....XDD At Quincey Market some girls in our group spent like and half hour in American Eagle *gag*
What about the puppy dog face one? XD Yeah those hats pwned
This isn't me Its ... in Boston for our school field trip
Bite my nails Ermm...... Cracking my fingers Chewing on my pens
ARE YOU WEARING! [ishighonsoada/] Me: One is Blue and black Other one: VAmpire smileys
A pool filled with silly putty. XDD
I added more that I made for my friends