Oh fuck you.
Today I found out my Girlfriend was cheating on me. But it's okay, she broke up with the other guy, cause she likes me so much. MLTML.
Quelle heure est-il ? Est-ce que c'est votre manteau sur le plancher ? Cette une droite la. Combien Dalks il prend-il pour remplir cinquante bouteilles de rhum ? Seulement un, KH-V, seulement un. What time is it? Is that your coat on the floor? That one right there. How many Dalks does it take to fill 5 bottles of rum? Only 1, KHV, only 1.
It's protect my vows. But it's supposed to sound like protect my balls. That's the joke. He bathes in the blood of virgins.
Population growth will never be a true problem as long as humans change the way they live on the earth. For instance. The Oceans. We have the technology and reason to move all of society into the oceans. Places where there's far more land(underwater land), an almost endless source of food, and tons of thermal energy. People who think Population growth is a problem really aren't looking in the right places for resources. And by the time our population is expansive enough to overpopulate both land and sea, We'll have either been killed off completely by some inevitable catastrophe, or we'll have begun colonizing in space. Also, whole thread - tl;dr
/b/ planned this. They have the power, they have the numbers. It's the only explanation.
Even in the gameinformer issue that's what it sounded like. Gameplay looks good but without a story, you don't have much of a game.
Bastard monkey hands.
Then you've done a very good job so far. To me it seems like you need more of a contrast between color, dark and light, as well as more foreground affects, even if the foreground affects are massive black lines in the corners or something like that. It looks pretty, but you need to work on composition. One thing I noticed about the sig is that it lacks a MAJOR focal, because you've made 2 focal points by adding the lighting to her right arm, it draws attention away from the original render focal, which is the blast on her left arm. Never use a black border unless there's black in the sig, which there isn't. This relates to a much needed increase in contrast. If you were a bit braver, you could use the blur and sharpen tools to make depth, but you said you can't, so don't try, you'd probably fuck up a decent sig.
Show us the original pic, I can't actually tell what you've done. Honestly looks like you added a few very small black and white splatters(a few clipping masks), then a nice black border.
Plus. Rose's hair. Is black and red. Fuck.
I'm not so sure about this. I thought Brotherhood would be pretty kickass, but the pacing right now is just really weird. I liked the original order of events. I feel bad for anyone who hasn't already watched the anime or read the manga. To properly appreciate this you have to understand a lot of things that are only assumed right now.