ruined my shadow again. *seriously, these stains will never come out...*
No >.> In a few words I can summarize Naruto....FILLER HELL!!! Get it, this is a filler and....*gets shot*
loves the word ate.
That title is too big for a user with only 500+ subs. =/ Edit: Youtube stole that too. >.>
I wouldn't say it like that. I call it a healthy competition to see who can get more subs. >.>
I'm still the one and the only gamefreak everybody loves to ignore! =D
I can never leave youtube, it gave me shiny subs. O.o
Drat, my plans have been foiled again! Dx
Youtube devoured my life. O.o
I don't know you. =/ *because I never log on! =D*
45 min ago?
ate my waffle! D=<
My new average of logging in here is probably now less then once a month! =D
That face in your avy scares me more. >.>
45 min? O.o I was on youtube then a thought came to me, why not check out that one place I used to waste my life at. =D
stole my mood...
On youtube, where I've been wasting what's left of a life I have. =/
Ruined my shadow.
stole my only friend. :(
Why yes....yes it is.