I'm sorry, youtube has been stealing all my time. X_X *especially when you have subs O.o*
I was visiting other forums when I ran into this piece of info. I decided to bring the news over here. =/
One Piece outsold DB. O.o Edit: Source: http://www.geocities.jp/wj_log/rank/rank0.html http://translate.google.com/transla...og/rank/rank0.html&sl=ja&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
How can you miss someone who is never on? O.o
Should I be scared now or when your name turns red? O.o
Tornado valley + May = Tornados Galore...
Last time I tried to even look at fighter factory was when my computer crashed. Weird. =/
I could stare at your sig and not be bored for hours. O.o
Anything entertaining going on? =/
You'll never figure me out! And no its not theruinedshadow. =P
I would but there hasn't been a reason for me to come back. =/
Gash bell I watch all 150 eps just to see a horrible ending...
made a random cat implode. O.o
stole my superultraawesome cookie! D=
made the dinos die! D=
This right?
Ate my taco!
At least in my opinion. >.>
Over the Rainbow!!! Never!
Your the only poster in this thread that I know. =/