Congratulations, you ignored peer pressure.
I'm too lazy to explain its plot, that's what wikipedia is for. XD I believe I watched...
I'm undecided at the moment, and jobs around my area are scarce. Dx On the topic of anime, I finished Beck Mongolian Chop Squad last week. Pretty...
Oh nothing in particular, just attending college, looking for a job to pay for said college. X_X If nothing else, I just play a game or watch an...
I haven't changed my avy or my 2nd sig since I've gotten them. I'd probably throw people off if I changed any of them. XD
I'm doing fine, just popping in at random like I usually do. ;D
I would have repped you back when you made my sig, but that was a time before the rep system was implemented. XD
Yes, I am me! =O
5th year! *twitches* Edit: I feel old now...
Try samurai seven, it has a good plot and some nice fight scenes, downside is that it was animated by gonzo which has been known to produce some pretty bad animation.... I got a dislike for saying that once...
I don't have the game, so I wouldn't know. =/ Here are some people using her in a match, skip to 50 seconds for a nice looking combo. XD [video=youtube;T1K_yjqAF7E][/video]
I'd suggest One Piece, but I know it'll be shot down in one hit. X_X
Wow I remember that, those were some really turbulent times...
Thread number 8...
Oh dear, one thread leads to another.
I kind of see this as nostalgic really, reminds me of the old days. XD A thread becomes semi popular and people create threads with similar ideas....good times...good times....
One of the results is this thread here...
It's a great watch, too bad he hasn't posted a new one since last november. =/ ...wasn't dino thunder the one where tommy returns as a ranger? I know little about power rangers after the time force season....