In a way you could say it's bad. It would be kind of awesome to work for youtube, but then again I'd have angry users bashing me every other day when the latest youtube bug pops up.
One Piece forever!
I've been doing random things, running my youtube channel, watching anime and reading manga from time to time, dealing with real life. Same thing I've been doing for years honestly.
Sign up for what now?
A guilty pleasure? It's a site called kh-vids, I come by and visit it sometimes. Probably never heard of it. Also, sometimes I do occasionally watch an anime or two.
Meh, this site has seen worse.
What did I just watch? O_O
Where's the beef?
I'd never spoil it for someone, it's always more fun read or watch it for yourself than to have someone tell you about it.
Well...this thread could summon an old friend of KHV's to return... I wonder how many people remember it. =D
Five years you say...
I also refuse to change! >=D ...but that might be redundant considering what happened to the character in my avy...
I'd comment on how it takes someone six months to change their avy, but than again I haven't changed mine in years. XD
>.> [video=youtube;HeY-2ovpF9c][/video]
Random huh... [video=youtube;g_ZAUhYk7NU][/video]
Me, Myself, and I?
Yeah, I rewatch ones I've seen as well sometimes, especially when you want to watch something good after watching something that wasn't good....(I...
I'm 20....I was 16 when I first found these forums so now I'm feeling old and nostalgic. X_X