Xainkar walks over to Phisoxa droping his power "follow the path you trust most that is all a nobody can do you want to be whole again just like us don't you so if you can not make the desision trust me and I will help you"
occ It is really hard to explain what is going on but we are in the deep jungle and phisoxa has revealed herself as part of xemnas "Phisoxa just join us you will be fine nothing can happen when your with us" he said but then started to summon his great power "Do you wish to destroy what we have worked so hard for?"
Xainkar looks at phisoxa still smiling happily at her "we want the exact same thing though don't we?" he said holding up his hand signaling raxen to wait til he was done talking to her
"I thought Xemnas was gone Phisoxa" said xainkar still smiling brightly at her "Figures It had to be the person i liked most out of the nobodies" he said looking up at her
"are you going to attack me phisoxa? have i done something wrong I don't ever recall for the life of me what it could be so tell me why do you want me gone"
Xainkar turns form Ximlan and goes to meet phisoxa "hello how are powers progressing you seem stronger to me don't worry me and X will see the same way in the end we all will how are you doing i sence that you are missing something what is it?"
he smiled at Ximlan "I to wish to be whole but not by getting a heart through kingdom heats and through light that would put me back to the start again but think of this Ximlan, what if you could recover your heart from the darkness after it has been taken niether heartless or nobody just pure darkness and power"
Xainkar laughed at Ximlan "yes that is how i became a nobody by power and wisdom but X only sees the world in creation and destructon he does not realise that they are the same a circle and you have to have one for the other but i see that through the darkness i will find true power that has not been found in centuries"
Xainkar apeared next to ximlan making no noise "you seek power do you not? or do you wish to be whole also?"
occ sorry to kill the suspense but i am going and will be back later and X is off line so fight is over for the time being
the Xainkar clone hit the barrier and dissaperaed the real xainkar attacked again from behind with his sickle saying "darkness does not give creation it brings destrution but the things that do come from the darkness are terrible creatures X this is the only way for us to be whole for you too be other wise you will be nothing for eternaty" occ supior side with X on this one it will make things a lot easier in the long run
Xainkar said then "then it has come to this" he summoned his kusari-gama and prepared to attack rushing at high speeds toward his enemy knowing what x would try to do next occ phisoxa me and X are fighting and we are taking over the deep jungle
Xainkar said "X what a fool does he think what we are doing won't hurt them? already his girlfriend has let the heartless in the keyhole this world will barely be able to surive all of them eventually falling in the darkness"
Xainkar stared angerily where the portal was then he sensed some one and turned around " you can't hide from the darkness in shadow" he called out to Ximlan
Xainkar picked up his kusari-gama and turned around to face X "so this is how it is going to be"
occ we are invading the jungle "Don't get in my way X nothing will stop me from reaching our goal even a Tool pretending to play hero"
"X i see you have joined us at last" he said moving past X and droping the sickle into claytons head disolving him "Only if they get in our way if they show resistence they will be cut down "
occ sighs look for the key hole and find out who lives at the camp said it like 10 times
"I don't have time for this" xainkar said he gathered energy in his kusari-gama then jumped and attacked the heartless using his senses and after a little while of fighting the heartless was gone which left ............. Bang a bullet went through xainkars chest..... where his heart should be but wasn't "You idiot" he yelled the wound biding itself up he ran at clayton swinging his kusari-gama
Xainkar walked up to the spot claton had once been killed by sora all that remained now was a rusted gun "strange that a random man was able to summon the darkness and let the heartless in this world" he said picking up the gun then he felt vibrations around him and the body was reanimated through darkness "I see he was so close to a heartless that by just being next to him he comes back to life" he felt something behind him "a heartless but this ones invisible"