Ris smells win.
Hold on, let me find it... http://repapipskwik.imeem.com/music/KKTdC8fE/jaws/ Pfft. It won't show. I found some music for the moment.
Ris refuses to hate fellow members. =D
Sara, of course. None of us go running around the allyways of the forum screaming, "I WANT MISH'S SEX!!one!" every second. :yelling:
I don't have any banned books in my school, as far as I know. But I find the whole idea of it totally ridiculous. Nothing would piss me off more than some overreacting Christian parent wanting my school to ban the Harry Potter books altogether. I've heard this was happening thought some schools, and thought I'd bring it up. I'd either have a word with the parents, or tell the school to screw them all and let us read what we damn well want. If they have a problem with it, then don't let the kid read it! It's as easy as that. Don't make the rest of us suffer because you can't get your ****in' religion out of your head. But I don't see the whole point of banning books. As saxoR_vs_aroS mentioned, books are there for a good use, and shouldn't be banned.
Spit: I love it, overall. The render flows with it overall, the colors are great...and WAH! o'(^_-) Ratio: It flows too. Not too much, not too little. :3 Splitoverload: I love that siggy. As I do the tutorial. XD Damn, it flows too. (too much flowage. DX)
Lol, Brian has an evil Fairy Godmother.
In before lock?
I squee'd. XDD I like the first one the best, since I love collies and it looks a tad bit neater. I WANT MOAR!
Do you think that my next child should be called Donovan, or Skip?
Lol, pedo bear.
Yeah. Or coincidence, if you're a nerd. T_T YOSH! :D
What a koinkidink.
Lol, yeah.
Brian's due in a few weeks, just so you know. :D
Durka duuuur. He's the VA for Lee. :D
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! *squashes you with a hug* But they're being named after Brian Donovan. D: It's quite an honor.
Nah, we're going to name him Brian. We're aiming for a second one. Donovan will be his name.