I know that Digimon came first before Pokemon, but seriously, I found Pokemon more better than Digimon. It's because that Pokemon seems to have a better plot than Digimon. Pokemon and People lived in the same world, with most of the people respect pokemons living with them. Pokemon help with their daily living and entertainment. As for Digimon, which I have only seen like a tiny bit, is that most children only knew their existence, and not all people liked Digimon. Also, that the Digimon lived in a different world which I think it's not right for some reason. And additionaly, they could talk, which I fin very awkward and stupid.
Omg, you play maplestory!? that's so not cool man.
35093 I like pie...
So it also seems that their "Boomerang" seems to also lose it's appeal as classic original toons. I think Cartoon Network itself is trying to aim the new generation, which is this relation to this made-up slogan of mine: "Old things are old and are not to be seen ever. New? now that's nice" something like that but personally, I think it's a mistake if that really was the case.
35089 It's a zombie wholoves math.
xDDDD EGGZ ARE TEH BOMBZ! oh and try adding me to your buddy list and try again.
35087 then it's undead?
read it again....WAKKA WAKKA! X3
Goodnight and Go - Imogen Heap
35085 Omg It's Still Alive!
There's actually a hidden code in my profile. Don't tell anyone...
yes, thank you, doctor obvious.
I agree, since the cards and the people he met were just memories, that counts for the enemies as well. Since Sora has never seen a nobody before in KH1, the nobodies never existed, except for the Organization itself.
That's actually Axel. *PHAILURE*
I think it's definitely a relation with BBS, if he knew this before Sora, that means someone the keyblade must have brought chaos to his world. Just an inference, of course.
Talk about bumping...xP
6/10 xPPPPP
the best reference in the entire galaxy... THE METRIC SYSTEM!