Hello Where on Earth in 9000, to calculate the actual beliefs uterus, second Pará stage manager, -3 4, a fire in the transition from Tom's cat's head, much more weight? What? FAIRUTABAKOURAN concentrated in the skin of young people - Kip some dirt and dust in his vehicle, the accuracy of children, mobile, my God, my mistake, a huge cloud of water into the air as a boy in the team, I use a supermarket, which is about to announce the conclusion that I am filled women, dogs, sea FARUKONPANCH ****ING I am mistaken in Turbo mode will be the king of beans, as well as the fact that, however, arson in the capital, an Internet gateway Unfortunately, I the water again. Because quite simply, it is.
I'm sorry guys, I'm failing you all. I should be replying, and at very least trying to comfort you Vex, or something of the like, but because of being sick I missed work from school, and because of procrastination and having to many things on a deadline, I really can't stay around to chat. Please forgive me, I'll try to chat when I can...but yea.... until February, I'm just REALLY busy. ;~;
I just woke up 8D ....snow is over rated.
Neuro, this joke is getting irratating. It doesn't matter though, I already examined the boxes. It would be better if you just go and put yourself in a box, than steal mine.
D: That sounds only slightly painful....You know, just a little.
Lalalalala~ http://randomspazzu.deviantart.com/art/TUTORIAL-Drawing-cheats-106096006 The first one may help a lot, the second one not as much for some people.
but teh boxez, teh r bootiful~ i r kan haz sing about boxez nao. lalalala boxez r bootiful lalalala i liek boxez lalalala such purdy boxez lalalala boxez r bootiful
You had better.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THEN COPY AND PASTE IT E_E I still fixed it though, if that's to hard to do.
http://www.onemanga.com/Majin_Tantei_Nougami_Neuro/ Go to the bottom and click on chapter 1. You can go to the next page by simply clicking on the page shown, or using the > and < keys (> for forward, < for back) And finally, this is the only good part of the anime. They screwed it up though, Neuro says some important things to Sai that wasn't even touched on, and the think about Sai killing Yako's dad is crap, never happened in the manga, the case was actually solved in the exact ark it got introduced in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzzgNrTZPlg
That wasn't an option, it was an order. Neuro is degraded, Sai is degraded, Godai is degraded BIG TIME, Ai isn't even in it! They fell so far off the actual plot, PLUS it's missing so many crutial things, and the end...ugh, don't even get me started on that, it was ****. Though the anime maybe 'funny' comparing it to the manga in how funny it is is like an ant VS a dinosaur. Details too! They screwd up SO much!
Pretty~ I like the contrast, and you'll have to link to the story wehn you finish, I would liek to read it.
FFFFFFFFFFFF Don't watch it, READ it. Anime = Fail SOOOOO bad it can't even be called epic. Seriously, it's just NOT worth it. I can link you to the ONLY good part in it, besides that, abandon the anime completely.
Well it started out with your name, therefore it must be.
It's your new name.
Pfft, I bet I could name- ...actually yea, probably.
All red boxes are pretty. :3
I feel loved <3
Hello there, Where on Earth in 9000, to calculate the actual beliefs uterus, second Pará stage manager, -3 4, a fire in the transition from Tom's cat's head, much more weight? What? FAIRUTABAKOURAN concentrated in the skin of young people - Kip some dirt and dust in his vehicle, the accuracy of children, mobile, my God, my mistake, a huge cloud of water into the air as a boy in the team, I use a supermarket, which is about to announce the conclusion that I am filled women, dogs, sea FARUKONPANCH ****ING I am mistaken in Turbo mode will be the king of beans, as well as the fact that, however, arson in the capital, an Internet gateway Unfortunately, I the water again. Yea...cool. IOSYS, IOSYS, IOSYS! :| I can honestly say I have no idea wtf you are saying, and I was describing myself...and Sensei. No.
I know all 3 8D Hare Hare Yukai is fun, same with the Lucky star one. CaramellDansen is better Vocaloid style. Oh yea, and you missed two popular otaku dances XD