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  1. Quiet Elegy
    Congratulations, I previously thought my mind could no longer be scared for life, I now know there are things out there that can still do that.

    Anyway, you're lucky it's only...uh...whatever that thing is. Not some of the weird disturbing crap I'm into.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 17, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Quiet Elegy
    Hey blivy...not to much of anything interesting, you?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Quiet Elegy
    :x School is ew.

    I still
    liek is though kinda.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Quiet Elegy
    O_O Holy crap it's like DGM, meets several FFs, meets KH, meets I don't even know.

    dog though....

    Oh yea,
    I just finished the thing for the logo contest for EkIchi, I'll note it in a second to the DA account.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Quiet Elegy
    Yes, well...I do rank games as well, but I can't rank them as a whole, I can rank on separate things like battle systems, storys, etc. But I will never agree to say a game is the Best Game Ever.

    You're quite
    welcome <3
    I hope they do agree towards it, what would be awesome.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Quiet Elegy
    I stick to my comment about only SNES games could really compete against Star Ocean. There are a few odd games out there floating around that are just as epic from other platforms, though the names I can't quite remember.

    A lot of
    games get over rated *coughFinalFantastyVIIcough* and a lot get under rated. It's actually really hard to put games on a scale of what one is 'the best' and what ones come next.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Quiet Elegy
    You're welcome. ^_^

    I'll have to read that over then, sounds like a nice idea.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Quiet Elegy
    Ah man that's harsh, it was only DDR right?

    Ordered from ones that seem better to ones that...just aren't as great. Each one is a link to if you need clarification on the meaning.

    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Quiet Elegy
    Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

    I should
    probably be getting to bed, I think I have a test tomorrow in...well it's something or another.

    Good night.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Quiet Elegy
    Thank you!

    It's not
    so different from your origional actually, I didn't change all that much. I'll try to get the back and side views up...tomorrow-ish? Depends on my homework, but at very least I can probably get one of them up.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Quiet Elegy
    >_> Mine wasn't stupid, as it wasn't on perpose...and at least I didn't sit on it.
    That's not stupid, that's just fun.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Quiet Elegy

    It's in
    the thread you started for her on the main site for it. :]
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Quiet Elegy
    Alright, front view for Kayci is done, I'll upload it and post it soon. It's just a sketch, but I think it's going alright, I need to fix some things still of course.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Quiet Elegy
    ;~; lucky, I have a week left.

    have no idea, my head and neck hurts, and I got very little accomplished today, yet I am happy anyway.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Quiet Elegy
    It seems that's probably about as small as you would want to go, any smaller and I think his face would dissapear.

    It's good
    you're used to larger ones will full proportions, afterall they have more detail and are better for games.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Quiet Elegy
    Chibi~ *pokes*

    For being
    so small it's interesting how you can still tell who it is. I can't tell if there are legs or if that's just the cloack though, maybe it's just a bit too small.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Quiet Elegy
    You're quite welcome, I'll try to get into more details once I actually know more about what I'm doing with it. Glad to be able to help, if you have any questions about animations, feel free to ask, I may not be able to answer everything, but I'll do what I can.

    That it is~
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Quiet Elegy
    Yep, it's a pretty nifty trick to get ti to flow nicely.

    I've got something drawn up, it's sketchy, but it'll serve it's purpose. Just excuse the weird anatomy and kinda failed perspective.

    So basically what the line is for, is planning where the frames will be, less frames, quicker actions if each frame is set to the same time.

    Therefore, the start of the swing is slow, because of perspective mostly(hah, I learned things like speed of movement when considering perspective from Higurashi) then it moves into a faster motion because it's closer now

    After you
    have that, planning the frames should be to hard. after I practice I'll see if I can maybe make a tutorial.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Quiet Elegy
    Pretty much yea, once you've got the key frames, tthe inbetween should go a little easier, and basically if you have it all planned out from start to finish, it should more or less turn out how you want it.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Quiet Elegy
    That would be so EPIC, I would love to see that.

    Sure thing.

    Let's see
    ... as far as I know, key frames make animating things a LOT easier. Depending on the animation is question, it's a frame about 5 or 7 frames appart of the last key frame, and so on. inbetween you map the movements with, well I just use lines, it's easiest. Anyway, lets say I had a girl swinging a sword and it goes from top left of the screen to center, I would draw her in sketch from holding it up at the top, and another (usually in a different colour at the end of her swing (and more if there is more to the animation after that)

    So now I have two frames planned, what is next, is since the sword is the main focus, and the main thing moving, I would draw a surved line in the motion of how she swings it from the tip of the first sketch to the tip of the second one. Next is labeling the frrames

    ....And I'm gonna have to probably draw something to explain this. Words don't quite work for what I'm trying to say.

    Hang on, I'll see if I can draw something up.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families