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  1. StardustXtreme
  2. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    I'll do my best!

    I'll do my best!
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 2, 2012
  3. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    pretty ingenious lol

    pretty ingenious lol
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 2, 2012
  4. StardustXtreme
  5. StardustXtreme
    Got it here as well.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Yes, yes you are

    Yes, yes you are
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 1, 2012
  7. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Guess I will be.

    Guess I will be.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 1, 2012
  8. StardustXtreme
  9. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Uh huh yuppos.

    Uh huh yuppos.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 1, 2012
  10. StardustXtreme
  11. StardustXtreme
  12. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Will check that out

    Will check that out
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 1, 2012
  13. StardustXtreme

    1000 Years ago, Zanarkand and Bevelle created a war between Bevelle's Machina and Zanarkand's Summoners however, Zanarkand was losing.

    Yu Yevon, a summoner of Zanarkand and its leader, devised a plan to both defeat Bevelle and preserve the city of Zanarkand forever. Yu Yevon called the surviving people of the city together and transformed them into fayth as conduits for a massive summoning that created a spectral version of Zanarkand from the dreams of the former Zanarkand inhabitants.

    Yu Yevon set this Dream Zanarkand out to sea, then called pyreflies to himself to craft the first Sin. Sin was given two objectives: protect the Dream Zanarkand, and to ensure it was not discovered, and to destroy any city that grew too large or relied too heavily on technology. The strain of trying to control Sin was beyond Yu Yevon, and the process destroyed his mind, removing any conscious control he may have had on it. Sin thus became a monster that knew only its two instincts, and indiscriminately attacked cities and villages all over Spira, starting with the true Zanarkand itself.

    To allow Spira a reprieve and hope for salvation, Yu Yevon's daughter, Yunalesca, presented a way to destroy Sin - the Final Aeon, a powerful aeon born from a bond of love. Sacrificing her husband Zaon for the ritual, he became the Final Aeon and destroyed Sin. Yu Yevon's spirit possessed Zaon's body, and over time Zaon transformed into a new Sin. During this time, the new Sin was too weak to terrorize Spira as it grew, establishing a temporary time of Calm. Apparently the only one able to create the Final Aeon, Yunalesca became an unsent and taught the people of Spira that if they atone for the sins of Bevelle and Zanarkand during the Machina War, one day Sin would be vanquished for good.

    Now it is 1000 years later and SIn has returned every 10 years since then and Lord Braska's daughter, Yuna is about to go on a pilgrimage take up the role of defeating Sin but fate throws in a twist, Tidus, son of Jecht arrives in Spira, claiming to be from Zanarkand but little do people know, Yuna's journey will be remmebered always, but that's not all, a Summoner requires Guardians to protect them on their journey and that's where your characters come in, will you lend your aid to Yuna to defeating SIn once and for all or will you join with Yevon to allow the Spiral of Death to continue endlessly, that's what we're here to discover.


    This is an RP based on Final Fantasy X but instead of there only being Tidus, we're throwing new Characters with their own backstories as these OC's can be a Guardian to Yuna or a Follower of Yevon.

    Romance is accepted but keep at it PG-13 or 12.

    Posts must be 3 sentences or more.

    Don't godmod, Not everyone's invincible, even the Main Characters or Anatagonists have to be exhausted or killed eventually, a Villian may retreat and return stronger than last time but in the end, he is still defeated.

    Now for the Number of OC's alllowed, it shall be three OC's to one person, Nothing higher than that, you can have 1 OC or 2 if you feel you can't handle three at once, all that is required is an single OC ro particpate.

    No Spoilers for Yuna's group either, this RP will strictly follow the storyline meaning Yuna and co can't be told about Yevon's true ideals or that the Final Summoning requiring a sacrifice, your characters can know about these things like Auron did but it's mostly. with just more OC's with their own backstories and battles.

    FInal Fantasy X Characters are indeed up for grabs, for the sole sake of making sure all of them get their lines and etc, two FFX Characters can be chosen, if no-one else wishes to obtain a character, then those FFX Characters will be given to people who will use them for plot based purposes.

    ~FFX Characters~

    Tidus: The Hero of Time
    Auron: TwilightBlader
    Rikku: Aerith G.
    Yuna: Aerith G.
    Seymour Guado: StardustXtreme

    ~OC Character List~
    Thorn - The Hero of Time
    Ryo - TwilightBlader
    Kari - Aerith G.
    Lukya Guado - Aerith G.
    Alexan - Aerith G.
    Masaru - StardustXtreme
    Harumi - StardustXtreme

    Please refer to the OOC Thread of the RP to join, now this RP will start but in the begining's of Tidus's journey into Spira, meaning he's stranded.

    Please also note, since it is the begining part, most OC's probabaly won't appear until Besaid or Luca if best, now please enjoy your RP.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Aug 1, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme

    Marvelous gave stared off in the distance. "Basco was formerly a member of the Red Pirates led by AkaRed, I too was a member of the Red Pirates after invading a supply store of the Zangyack Empire and came across a Ranger Key, AkaRed asked for it and we battled but I lost, after which he gave me inspiration and I joined the crew, we had a good life, stealing from Zangyack and collecting Ranger Keys scattered aroudn the universe until Basco betrayed us to the Empire, AkaRed left to defeat the ship and I was given the Treranger Box, Navi and the Galleon to escape with, I never saw AkaRed again and so I created the Gokaiger Crew after meeting others who too were supressed or had their lives controlled by them." marvelosu said and gave them all a moment to absorb the infomation.

    "basco worked for the Empire ever since and he had his own Ranger Keys based on the Extra members of Super Sentai, he even ahd a companion monkey named Sally who stored monsters insdie of her, afetr we defeated the last one of them, he purposefulyl injured Sally for us to take of her since I do not tolerate comrades harming one another and Sally was to steal the Treranger Box with all our Keys isnide and she met up with Basco but Sally was frightened if baco woudl betray her again but wanetd to return to him sicne he gave her a place and a purpose but us taking care fo her had her torn between who to eb with, int he end Sally chose to be with us and Basco had given her a ecklace to serve as a bomb, I tried to remove it btu Sally immediately put it inside herself and died, I took most of the blow and injured, but Basco gained the Galleon, Navi and the Keys but Navi managed to contact us so the other Gokaigers left me to heal whiel they stormed the Galleon to get back the Keys, I faced Basco one on one by sheer force of will and it came down to me placing my foot on hsi his and stab Basco's own sword through my foot and his to hold us in place and a point blank attack was boudn to occur, I only survived by a piece of Sally bomb shard over my heart, savign me from his point blank shot while I destroyed him." Marvelous explained.

    "Basco would take any advantage he can get for his own personal gain or profit, he doesn't care what happens to others so long as he gets the results in the end, so why he probably helped Herminoe is just a man planning on what to do to survive."


    ichigo stared at teh lake the CPU's decided to hide in, it was obivously their plan of hiding, after all, why else did Blanc's hat and a jacket lay on the grass and he agve a sigh, thankfully, he was a Soul so he wouldn't have to worry about drowning or such and just jumped in.

    ~Black mage~

    Black Mage exited the ruins fo the Forbidden Mountains, he had a urge to kill FIghter and wheover made him have that horrendous nightmare. "I swear, if I have recurring nightmares about that, I'll personally see to it that whoever gave me that will be on top of to die list, oh well, I'll destroy the world anywhere since Fighter cut that piece of important paper up." he thoguht and heard the noise of the Reapers and he stared up at the meteor shower. "Now we're getting back onto the main plot of this thing? About time... wait... now who i align myself with? Maleficent's gone and been beaten by that dark creature, Scar's nowhere to be found, a shame, his evil talent truly knows no bounds... bah manybe I'll find some guy cosplaying as a revolutionary man who is actually a high school student with a green haired chick with a love for pizza... damn, that'd be something." He said to himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
  16. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Same here pretty much

    Same here pretty much
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Jul 31, 2012
  17. StardustXtreme

    Ichigo suddenly had the urge to kill Kon for some reason, then again it was highly unlikely that perverted mod soul was here...oh wrong he was...


    Mavrelous liteterally had enough and grabebd Draco by teh scruff of his collar after Harry Silencing him and gave him a glare. "Listen here you brat, I don't care about 'when my father hears about this' or your constant complaining, like it or not, you're stuck with us and yoru annoying tone may attract those things and let me tell you, if those things can destroy many cities on Earth, tell me how you plan on beating them?" he asked and all eh got was silence, well it was silence since Draco had magic on him but he could see his lips didn't move.

    "Now, shut up and keep running." he said

    ~Kamen Riders~

    All the Kamen Riders headed off as a group, thta meant EIji Hino, SHotaro, Phillip, Tsukasa and Michal along with Ankh.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Of course.

    Of course.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Jul 31, 2012
  19. StardustXtreme
    Hate me for I have a different Card Game in my signature.

    Oh and Jaden, you may wanna take out Protector212 and rename it as StardustXtreme
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. StardustXtreme
    Eiji Hino/Kamen Rider OOO
    Ichigo Kurosaki
    Captain Marvelous/GokaiRed
    Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
    Noel Kriess
    Dean Stark
    Black Mage
    Zidane Tribal
    Shotaro Hidari & Phillip/ Kamen Rider Double

    StardustXtreme Reserves
    Jude Maverick
    Yu Narukami
    Tsunayoshi Sawada
    Takuya Kanbara
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home