Fixed it now.
About the Umbridge thing.
For banner's wordsake, I'll name him Alternate Harry
caught msyelf there and it's ALternate harry is a GO!
Not hearing a no to OC Harry, so I may as well go and make a avatar for him.
Lol that does sound like Umbitc- I mean bridge....
used a Daniel Radcliffe one, this Harry won't have the glasses and have a more magical aura round him but he's more assertive of what happens...
Username: StardustXtreme Character of Choice: Harry Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor Picture(optional): Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Harry Potter Additional Info: A Alternate Harry Potter who had much more of a life-changing experience after Sirus’s safe escape in the third book as his godfather said the Potter’s were quite a wealthy family even more in in the Vault Harry use din Gringotts so he written to Gringotts to take a Portkey out of Privet Drive and take Blood Inheritance Test which had him inherit the vaults of Godric Gyffindor, the Peverell brothers and of course the Potters. As it turned out, they were Ancient and Noble Families of the Wizarding World and if Harry took the title of the Potter legacy, he’d be viewed as an adult and be able to perform magic outside of Hogwarts but that wasn’t all, he could be his own guardian and leave the Dursleys to live in Potter Manor, a highly protected home as his aprent’s wills stated that he’d not be handed over to Petunia Dursley at all and had other eligible Guardians who could look after him as Sirus wasn’t available, one being the Bones family, another being the Weaseleys and so on but Dumbledore left him on Privet Drive and never even told him about the Potter Line. After this revelation, he asked to be scanned for anything and found out he had a magical block on his magic that barely let out much at all by Dumbledore, dosed with Love Potion and a few cases of his mind being attacked and so, he asked the Goblins to help repair what has been done as well as take the mantle of Lord Potter with the other titles and spent the summer in fourth year learning as much as he could in Potter Manor even if Dumbedore asked him to return to Privet Drive, Harry’s magic was perhaps on par with Dumbledore’s or maybe even higher as he developed more of a backbone, taking control of his life instead of dancing in the palm of someone’s hand. For everyone's sake, this Harry will use a different surname so if the two Harry's do meet, they'd be a few distnctions He won't wear his huge glasses but rather contact lenses. Ask people to refer to him as either Mr. Peverell or Harold, or Lord whatever he prefers to be called for diplomatic reasons. More cautious of his surroundings and of people. His magic will potentially be stronger but he isn't one to flaunt it or such.
Hmmm, if if so he'll be my.... 16th charcter in my banner.
Or just plainly not care in the slightest, and OC's are allowed, however, I think i got more than enough characters since I am planning on Tsuna...
Lol, if Malfoy does insult that other Potter, he wouldn't know he is a Lord despite Harry being like Half-Blood.
If the Harry's ever met, wonder what would happen? Maybe that OC Harry would help the Original get stronger.
DUnno who my Harry would be with, maybe he would ahve someone back at home, like a marriage planned between two familys before he was born and...
Well, i checked the rules on first page, it doesn't say OC's are not allowed.
hermione would be having a hard time though lol, which harry to go for? Most serious harry or the less serious? and if Alternate Harry is allowed,...
Just been talking with Aerith about Alternate Characters who are technically the same people but completely different occurences happened with the character like for example. Original Harry Potter follows the movie's plot and doesn't really learn many powerful spells to combat Voldermort since old DUmbledore found no point to it since Harry had to die anyway. An Alternatre Harry Potter's family may of been a Noble House like the Malfoys and he claims his title as Lord Potter, thereby becomign a adult in the Wizarding World, allowing him to not have the Trace on his wand and develops more backbone and having an arsneal of more powerful spells and when Sirius dies, Alt Harry gains the Black Family Vault along with the title of Lord Black in which if two harry's were in one place, that alt Harry will ask people to call him Harry Black and he may not even have the huge glasses, he may have contacts or something.
Will do after my dinner.
It depends if the main people who allow characters in allow it.
Hmmm Maybe Independant Harry will also inherit Sirus's surname so he can be called Harry Potter-Black or somethign and use Sirus's surname.
Yeah it could, after all its a Harry with more backbone and not so....malourished by the Dursleys since he lives in his own Family Home with...