"I assure you Ron, I have not gone mental, last time I did that, I blew up Aunt Marge..." Harold said and looked back on that moment fondly as he got stares from the Gokaigers "Not literally! I just...inflated her like a balloon, did deserve it after insulting my parents." He said. ~Marvelous~ Marvelous's Mobirates rang and he flipped it open and spoke. "What is it?" He asked and heard Hermione's request and he looked to Harry. "It's for you, from that Granger." He said and handed the Mobirates to Harry and crossed his arms, his group had ran into a deep forest as Harry told him he had to meet the others, they probably weren't far off and that left him with the Malfoy boy with the Rangers. "Great, have to babysit this brat..." He mumbled lowly. ~Back to Other Group~!- Harold looked at what was... himself? No, he remembered Basco said he was a different reality so this Harry before him was probably the one Hermione, Ron and Ginny knew so well, it seemed this Harry hasn't discovered his heritage despite still being a bit skinny, wore those sellotaped glasses and he was brought back to reality by Harry's question. "I could ask you the same thing, but I don't think we'll get any answers here on how I got here, more importantly, you probably are me, if you are friends with this lot." He waved an arm to Harry's Friends. "I talked with them and the last thing they did was save Sirius from the Dementor's, well, you and Hermione... but why aren't you a bit more like me? Didn't Sirius tell you about your family when he escaped on Buckbeak?" He asked and silence came after. "He didn't? Then maybe your realities Sirius probably didn't have enough time to tell you, but before that, we should probably make things easier on who calls who, two Harry's is bound to make anyone go mad, so I'll use the name Harold, a alternative of Harry." He said and took a moment to gather his thoughts, if Basco was right, this Harry isn't a Time Turner Version of himself. "You want to know why I'm better looking than you? Well, Harry, our... no wait... your family line is in fact a Anicent and Noble House of Potter, in my world, I inherited this line when Sirius talked to me about the family and then escaped as he sent me a book on these Anicent and Noble Families over the Summer Holidays and so, I contacted Gringotts to learn more and what do I discover? A will by my mother and father stating a few revelations, one of them was other eligible guardians then the Dursleys, there was Amelia Bones, Remus Lupin, Professor McGonagcall and of course more with Sirius and under no cirmcurstances were we to go to the Dursleys." He explained and noted Harry's widened eyes. "I know right? Why didn't I go with any of those people instead of the Dursleys, well, Dumbledore happened that's what, you were meant to attend to Lily and James Potter's Wills on just on your 11th Birthday but Dumbledore didn't tell Hagrid about it and instead 'represented' you during the hearing and sealed the will so you wouldn't learn of it, what's more is, I learnt something shocking, Dumbledore put a magical block on our Cores." He said and got blinks from others. "Meaning Magical Cores, every witch or wizard has these, the blocks are only placed for keeping magic sealed up since you can do accidental magic to great effect and these blocks are removed when you go to Hogwarts, mine wasn't and I suspect, neither was yours." Harold took a breather. "And I discovered other things, I was dosed with Loyalty potions and Love Potions from first and second yeat respectively, those are illegal and the loyalty potions were all Dumbledore so we could listen to him and see him as our 'savior' while Love Potions... that's another story, after having these unblocked and removed from my system, I found out we have our own home, Potter Manor, it has the best defences that no Death Eaters or Voldermort can get through while the Dursley's has Blood Wards to be powered by 'love' from your relatives and through you to charge them." He laughed at the last few words. "As if Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley ever expressed love normally, only reason Dumbledore kept us there is because he believes in the 'Greater Good' of them, he focuses on the big picture and misses the small details and he watches the house with those detectors and such in his office, it tracks you as well... oh and Dumbledore will insist you stay at your relatives, he did to me when I got my title but here's a happy note for you." He said with a smile, the next few words will help his other self get the freedom he deserves. "In order not to return to those Dursleys, all you have to do is say 'I will never ever consider that house as home.' and the Blood Wards shatter, giving you no reason to return, I'd recommend you also write to Gringotts beforehand though, write to Griphook, he's the Goblin who guards the Family Vault and ask for a Blood Inheritance Test, then you will have the life you always wanted, of course... fair warning, you take on the heir of the Potters, you will have some responbilites put on you, just stuff like vote in Wizengamot, the Wizarding Board, learning the ways of Purebloods." He got a look of digust at that one. "It's not being Malfoy, but more like learning how to respond to other Noble Familes, remember Neville? His family is a Anicent and Noble House too." He stopped to let Harry sink in all of the infomation ~Ichigo~ Ichigo too swam to the damp cave with the girls, and before anyone says, yes... Ichigo's one lucky -censored-, if Kon were here to see this, he'd be jealous of the moment.
Meh Harold wouldn't care about older women, plus he is a adult in the Wizarding World since he is now Lord Potter and sicne he's last of the...
Not might, she is, but Harold isn't one to be... that kind of person, of course people would be on guard from the nightmares they experiences, but...
And posted now, hmmm, that's a strange thought.... HaroldxAhim.
Harold rubbed his forehead at Ron's unexpected complaint, it seems even this Ron was a jealous person who wanted the limelight of being the friend of the Boy-Who-Lived and always argued he ws right, then again, the Weasely's were a big family and Ron being the youngest male and probably had a inferiority complex since Bill was a Gringotts Curse Breaker, Charile working in Romania at the Dragon Reserves, Percy being Head Boy/Prefect in Hogwarts, Fred and Geroge being pranksters with great ideas and their father working in the Ministry of Magic in how Muggle objects works, Arthur always wanted to know what the function of a rubber duck is, Harold had to chuckle at that question by the Head of the Weasely Family and heard the questions from the others. "I learnt this from Sirius who sent me the book on the Anicent and Noble families of the Wizarding World, like I told you before Ginny." He said and looked at Ron. "You did save me from being imprisoned in that house with those bars in place, I do admit that, but the Potters are one of those Anicent and Noble Families, I'm also the heir to the Peverell's and Gryffindor and if Sirius dies which I hope will not happen on my watch, I'll inherit the Black name as that is another Noble family, this ring." he held his ahnd up to show it. "Represents my title as Lord Potter and it can change to the other Houses, and I have seats in Wizengamot of those families." he said and looked to Basco. "You make it sound like you're a Horcrux by the sound of it." he said and looked to AHim who politely asked him the question. "Of course, Miss Famille correct?" He asked and got a nod from her. "Well, I was in Potter Manor, doing my exercrises and training rountine, a healthy mind and body needs to be a strong one, especially when you got a mass murderer anmed Voldermort coming after your head because you killed him as a baby." he said causally as he heard Ron's meep as well as Ginny's. "Oh come on, you're still scared of his name? As much as I hate to admit it, the old coot was right in saying using the name of saying the name of something you fear is fighting fear itself? I'd rather not call him You-Know-Who, anyway... I was meditating my mind in strengthening my Occlumency barriers and when i woke form my meditation, I was somewhere completely different, I didn't feel the jerk of a Portkey, I couldn't have Apprated here either and Floo-ing here? Highly unlikey... anyway, that's how I got here here."
yeah it is, your Harry is the Original and still have the magical block and such, so if Harold and harry meet, alot of expmaining will have to be...
Indeed, plus Harold's magical reserves are perhaps on par with Dumbledore's, why else did the old coot block his magic? and when Wizards get...
You already know, cause you said it
Well I was expecting you too.
He would be since he isn't someone like -coughs-ferret-coughs-
"You no amateur, who you play for?" Wakka sked teh young blond, he was very impressed someone at this kid's age had such talent for Blitzball, he must be from a team, but his clothes didn't say Killka Beasts for that matter, little did he know, the youth's response would be a surpise.
Up to you.
Saved up with remianign money of Expo and then birthday money.
True enough, and I completed Dream Drop Distance last night on Standard Mode, now to complete Proud then Critical Mode
Ah I too have this problem, your game isn't glitched. The way to get to abilites that have no path to them is to change your Kab Kannon's personailty by playing with it or giving it different foods, what to, I never tried since I was satsified with what I had. And my KK has 1192 LP lol, I sued him so much.
Harold knows he is saved from the Dursleys in Second year by Ron's fmaily saving him, this was after the Prisoner of Azkaban book ends but Rna'd...
Already 1 Reviewer I see
Just now I have
~harold~ Harold listened to Hermione's new tone of voice, that was perceptive and Ron asked him if he knew the other people, nwo that harry had a better chance to examine them, Luka seemed like a woman could hold her own and had some kind if appeling look to her, AHim was obivoiusly very polite in her words, the Doc as they called him looked like well, your everydya person, basoc he had no idea on but this must be the new tone of Hermione as they said he was inhabiting her body, now last he recalled, Hermione would never share her body with anyone at all, especially during the three years she stuck mostly to rules and such. "SInce you repeated their names for me Ron." He said and continued. "Basco's very perceptive, these clothes?" he indicated to his ordinary Muggle clothes hat actually fit him for a change. "You'd be surprised how big Dudley is, I swear he's almost lke killer whale, two sizes too big so I thought I could buy some of my own clothes that fit me, trust me, I had to roll up the sleeves of Dudley's clothes up like five times to use my hands." He said and took a moment. "However Hermione, after we saved Sirus from the Dementor's Kiss, he told me a bit about my family and while he stayed at the Dursley's, he sent me a book on the Anicent and Noble families of the Wizarding World and the Potters were one of the oldest ones, but that got me wondering, why didn't Dumbledore mention this at all? I decided to see if Gringotts had any knowledge of this and I was given what do they call it, a Portkey?"" he askedhimself, remmebering. "I hate that thing, feels like a hook digging into my navel and dragging me and I came to Gringotts and taking Inheritance Test, I discovered something most surprising, I was in fact Heir to the Potter Line among a few others but that's not the best of it, turns out I had my magic blocked so it couldn't flow freely, happily the Goblins scanned me and I discovered other things, but thansk them, everything was fixzed and I took the mantle of the Potter Heir, of course Dumbledore didn't take too kindly to that." He said, letting them sink the infomation in. "For Dumbledore was the one who sealed my magic to nearly Squib-level and said I wasn't ready for this at all and demanded I return to the Dursleys because if I took on the mantle, I became legally an adult in the Wizarding World and I refused to return after learning what properties I own and I read the WIll of my partents and do you know what was funny?" He said, his eyes looking serious now. "I meant to receive the Will on my 11th birthday as well attend to the hearing and in it, it was stated under no cirmcustances am I to stay with the Dursleys, many other people offered to become my guardians, the Weaselys, the Bones, the Changs Sirus Black, Remus Lupin you name it and DUmbeldore said it was for the Greater Good and the Blood Wards around the house would have to be powered by me staying there for the holidays for love, yeah sure, as if abuse by the Dursleys is a form a love I accept so what did I do? I stated I no longer see the Dursley 's House as a place to call hom and with it, the Blood Wards fell apart, Dumbledore was a bit furious but then insisted I stay at Hogwarts for the Summer, do you think I wanted to when i had the choice of living in Potter Manor?" he asked again and stopped.
Harold rubbed his forehead. "Okay, I defeated Voldermort when i was a baby." he said, ntoign Ron's little gasp with Ginyy's and Hermione's but he ignored it. "I saved Hermione from the Troll that attacked on halloween with Ron Weasely and we were each awarded 5 points, I became the youngest Seeker in a century, we stopped that excuse of a professor, Quirrel whenw e thought ti was Snape." he tickled off, counting on his fingers. "Second year, the platform was sealed off and I had no choice but to join Ron in the Ford to get to Hogwarts, crashed into the Whomping Willow... people called me Heir of Slytherin sicne I spoke Parseltongue but in relaity, it was Riddle's Diary controlling Ginny, defeated a huge Basilisk that petrired the student's, Lockhart was a fraudy professor, I swear, his lessons taught nothing but moving on..." He said, and continued. "Third year, Fudge sents Dementors to Hogwarts cause Sirus Black escaped and Lupin was our DA Teacher, that year I learnt the Patronus Charm from Lupin to defend myself, eventually found Black, discovered Peter's a Animagus and betrayed my family and finally, Sirus escapes on Buckbeck because we cheated time." he said. "That sound about right?" he asked.