I actually questioned my sanity when my friend Robert introduced me to that show and I thought "Bronies? Dude you're watching a show aimed at girls.. stick to Yu-Gi-Oh!" And when eh aske dme what i thought, I thought "I'm questioning if I ever knew you." but I said "Meh it's alright but I'm not watching anymore episodes, that Teletubbie faced baby sun scares me and this show is coming up to a close second, I'd rather go and let Melvin hug me to death.
Harold just laughed in his mind seeing Malfoy's expression of two Potters. "It's just something you wouldn't understand Malfoy, just go with it." he said casually, shrugging his shoulders as Marvelous nodded "Indeed we'dd head for that valley and continue on through it even though we intentionally meant to seperate." ~Black Mage~ Black Mage suddenly had the feeling a certain woman broke the fourth-wall by naming the creators of this whacked out story and he was cheated out of it. "I swear, that's my godamned job..." He said and continued on strollign through the darkness of the mountains, hoping that Sarda or whever else was god here didn't do things to annoy him or at least lead him to his rightful place a villian. "...God, I need a woman of destruction, it 'll make things more fun." He mumbled to himself, he was tryign to pry his feeling away from a woman with a freckled face... her red hair... her robes... "Why the fuggin' hell am I thinking about a Harry Potter character?" He asked himself in absolute confusion, his yellow eye twitching.
True enough.
True enough,,, hm have to decide on what harold's wand should be.
~Damp Cave~ Ichigo paused for a moment as he heard Blanc's rather... loud voice and he turned his head, hearing their converstaion, he honestly didn't know what to say, and so he just deicided to talk. "That's what you get fighting bullies and gangs for having orange hair, my friend Tasuki is like second stronges girls in Japan and she admits I even beat her, then again, I do fight Hollows, Arrancars and other Shinigami at some point, my human body is just as ordinary as everyone elses but while I'm like this, mys trengths probabaled doubled or more since I'm just a Soul." he said thoughtfully. "Last time I was at the beach, a Watermelon hollow attacked, that was probably the weirdest vacation I had, but I then again... I have to wonder how my family is doing..." he said, taking a few moments to think of Yuzu, Karin and his old man, most liekly, they were safe with his dad since he too was a Shinigami, though he didn't plan on re-learning the Final Getsuga Tenshou again, ti took him like all of the Captain's and Lieutentent's priitual reserves into the sword of Urahara's Rukia stabbed him with to regain his powers. "Fourth-wall breaking?" he asked in confusion, he honestly didn't want to know. ~Harold and harry~ "Because he would have you look to him as a grandfather figure and always come to him whenever something happened, the old coot focuses on the bigger picture and not the small details, and if I were you, I'd train to defend your mind from attackers since Dumbles and Snape love doing that, when in first year, eh asked you those questions in first Potion's class, they were actually from higher Year books so it's no wonder you couldn't know them, Snape holds a grudge because of our Father having our mother, marryign and he with the Maruader's made fun of him, so he's seeing you as James, not as harry, trust me, I had to literally put my foot down and threaten him with imprisonment in Azkaban and there wouldn't be a damn thing Dumbledore could do about it." He said with a Slytherin-like smirk. "I actually befriended other houses from Hogwarts, lemme see... Susan Bones from Hufflepuff, quite a beautiful woman Daphane Greengrass from Slytherin, yeah the Ice Queen of Hogwarts, nto that bad when you get to know her...who else... our Quiddtich Team, Cedric Diggory, fine bloke he is, CHo Chang, Cedric's girlfriend, I swear Asian girls have a unatural power. the ones I mentioned are girls...except for Cedric and the Weasely Twins, you'd be surprised what the Noble House Restoration ACt does for you...oh that? I have to marry three women to continue on my lines as Potter, Peverell and Gryffindor and amlightly forbid, if Siruis dies, the Black family too." he said with a sigh and noted Harry's look of surprise. "The last heirs of a family line get that honour, I am still friends with Hermione in my world, she really should be in Ravenclaw where her desire for knowledge can really take off and the Wesealys... I'd be careful around them if I were you, Molly's been dosing the food with Love Potions to attract you to Ginny, she basically wants her claws in the the Vaults you own, same with Ginny, she's on this too, the twins sided with me because I'm a alright guy and they are digusted with what their mom done, Arthur even more so, Ron will try and do his best to make you his best mate so he can gloat about it since he is a spy for Dumbledore." he said with a sigh. "Ronald will do anything to get what he wants, be cautious around him in my world, I refused Ginny outrigth and ROn wasn't too happy with that and thretaened me and I did so back, with a promsie of a Family Feud if he didn't leave me alone, a Feud is a liek a declaration of war between families and whoever wins get what they desire from said family.... but moving on." "When you do get back to your world, Respect the Goblins, you'd be surprised how far respect takes you in the Goblin Nation." he said to him.
Oh Harry's so gonna enjoy this freedom~
Indeed and alot that will change his life for the better, but now what harold's doing is actually making Original Harry slowly become a ALternate...
You can return to the Grid you know.
Very natural, just wait until he and Harold are alone for for explanations, especially on the Love Potions and mind readers forcing their way in.
"That's basically it, Dumble- oh screw it, I'm not calling him that name, the old coot seems to want you under his control and control the fortune's we have in the Family Vault, and there questions to point to this, of course those questions are private matters between you and me, and I admit, it is confusing and weird talking to yourself, well a alternate you even though we are practically the same person." he said and looked to Ron. "Harry has the right to choose who to believe Ronald, remember how all wizards think Slytherin's are evil because of Dark Wizards always come from that house? because they chose to believe that since Voldermort came from that house but in honesty, if you listen to the Sorting Hat's songs, it speaks of unity of the four houses and their traits." He said and counted off hsi fingers. "Gryffindor for those who are brave, Ravenclaw for those to harness Knowledge, hufflepuff is based on loyalty and hard work whiel Slytherin is cunning and ambitous. all trais of the human psyche, after all, we all ahve a bit of SLytherin inside us, take yourself for example Ronald, your ambition is to be something to make your fmaily proud such as I don't know, being a Auror or a chessmaster, there are actually schools who take Wizard's Chess to international levels and pay well, however Harry here, well me, we;'re probabaly overquaflied to be an Auror." he laughed at that one. "We killed the Dark Lord at the age of one, stopped him again with Quirrell, Chamber of Secret,s slaya baslisk and a younger Voldermort and third year, fend off hundreds of Dementors that is actually NEWT level magic Patronus Charm, I was surprised we managed to cast a patronus as powerful as that with a magicial block on our cores." He said rather honestly. "How big is our magical cores you ask Harry? I see it in your eyes, well, we're actually on par with Dumbledore himselfand the old coot fears we'll overturn him, that why he blocked out magical cores, he's finally gone senile, and Snape? He's still a git as usual, but he's actually illegaly entering our minds with Legilmeins Spell and that is equal to a Azkaban offence, even Dumbles does it a few times, oh and remember the Basilisk? I'd go back there and shrink that body down with magic and use it's it's hide for protective purposes, Baslisk Hide is more potnent than Dragon's hide, able to rebound curses, trust me, i got so much infomation, I may even have a way to make good old Malfoys go to Azkanban." he said witha smile, ~Ichigo, Damp Cave with CPU's~ Ichigo had removed Zangestu off his back and undid his upper robes and pulled it off, revealign hsi rather toned body from his fights in the Living World and Soul Society for a teenager, there weren't any scars either since Orihime heals those and he flapped the top and twisted it to soak the water out, even water had spiritual particles within it that could affect his clothes and he was doing this in front of the CPU's obivously not bothered bu the fact they were women around. ~Marevlous- Marvelous heard Vexen's idea and was actually tempted to give the go ahead to the Chilly Alchemist but he wasn't that cruel to little teenage boys, no that was a certain big purple dinosaur's job who sings musicals, but moving on from that~ ~Kamen Riders~ The Riders ended up in mountain range with mountains seemingly reaching the heavens, if they find a cave which says the "The way is shut and it was made by those who are dead" Then then they were obivously in the wrong world, but they weren't. ~Where the hell is Black Mage?~ BM was walkign causally through the dark mountains of once was maleficent's catsle witha perched Reaper on top of it, the Villians never called him or teleported him, he was once again, all fuggin' alone, which made change in his life as he smiled in as he happily loved the peacefulness, no Fighter to anoy him, no sexy White Mage hammering him...witha literal hammer, no complicated Red mage sounds like a ripoff from Doctor Who and no Thief who stole everythign and made the adventure into a profit, it was a good life.
Reading it~
It's not that, You can search the areas you think have Chests freely, besides i'd use the roaming for grinding my Characters if I was you to...
Dark Splicer is found in TWTNW where all those Red Blocks push in and out, you need to use Double Jump & Flowmotion just in case.
I personally don't believe that's a real banlist, I wait for the offical one to be released which is... every March and October.
Always prefered Dangai Ichigo, he just casually handles Aizen when previously, he and everyone else had serious trouble even denting him. True...
Dream Drop Distance is sure enjoyable!
Hmmm, my useful Commands were Spark Dive, Icebreaker, Timestorm, Thunder Dash, Curaga, Triple Plasma, Dark Aura, Dark Break, Faith, never found Ars Arcanum, Plasma Shock, Meteor and I never bought Sonic Blade. Already beat Game on Standard anyway, I loved using Thunder Dash then Curaga against the final battles, Dashing to attack and being far away from enemy then heal instantly. Dark Barrier's a nice defensive command, sadly, there's no Heal Defense command like in BBS, god I loved spamming that when the bosses attacked me and healed me up, never had much need for Curaga because of that.
I knew the Wind-Up's were gonna get hit, almost everyone abuses them with Wind-Up Zenmanis and Carrier since it forces you to lose in hand or on field and such, especially cause of that damn loop. Hieratics? Never seen those much where I am, because my Tournaments use Dark World, Wind-Up or Gravekeepes, hate all three of them too. I do see a HERO deck rarely played (Not by me of course even though I own one!) and Worms funnily enough. I do play a sorta Yusei Deck with some different generation cards thrown in like Destiny HERO Defender, Marshmallon and Sangan, mainly for defense or search purposes for Quickdraw or Junk or Defender and Marshmallon. E-HERO Deck based on Omni-Fusions (Attribute Fusions) with the exception of Escurido so I played Vision HERO Adoration, Masked HERO Goka/Acid I am planning on a Xyz Deck when I get said cards but what's gonna be the funny part? Most of the cards will be old school ones like Gadgets, Thunder King, Doomcalibers, Defenders and the new school will be like ZW's, there's currently Unicorn Spear and Phoenix Bow (Released in next pack!) while I'd have to wait on Lightning Blade and Lion Arms.
Alot to write there!
Well to Harold's world, the real Harry Potter world never told of this probably because it doesn't exist or people forgot what the Anicent and...