Xaldin looks around "whats goin on here" he yelled (confused) seein most of his members tired and on the ground he rushes to help the injured ones and to see whats goin on
After lokin around Xaldin sees Zexion on the ground "IM COMING" Xaldin yells and heads towards Zexion
Xaldin looks around for some1 to fight since Reno ran from him "who wants to fight" Xaldin said walkin towards reno... "This willl be very fun" Xaldin said
Looks at Reno with Discuss "ima take you down" Xaldin Shouted Taking out his 6 double bladed lances gettin ready to fight
A portal apears and Xaldin comes trough it "Its my turn!!' Xaldin yelled
ok sry for join late this is ma first rpg n i guess ill be Xaldin
Wow thts great u should def continue it but sry dont hav a title for it XD
Kolkol havin a FF system sounds great How many towns r ganna be n it??
Oo i get wat u sayin
i Hope like all kinds of fightin styles
This sounds lik a very good game think i should try it out when it comes
Nice to meet ya Hope u hav fun here, Post lots n follow the rules
Sounds kol cant w8 till the games out
LOl pickpockett mosters will be funny
Kolkol this game sounds interesting gl in creatin it n cant w8 to see if i can play it
WOWO rly good story ur very talented at these things heh cant w8 till da next 1
wow rly good good job i enyjoyed readin tht its rly rly dunny n interestin cant w8 till the next chapter im so excited cant w8 i also lik tht cookie thing rly good thinkin there
WOW nic story very funny got me rollin over here nic job cant w8 till the next 1 comes out keep up da good work
OMG so good keep up da good work ur doin great this is so exciting cant w8 till the next chapter hope its great :D
Wow rly good story here i liked it keep up da good work