w00t, Pacific! Thanks^^
Thanks =D. Pacific daylight time I think.
It is 8:47pm that is not all tomorrow's my birthday =D (Happy 4:44 am! =D)
about 2/10. Haven't been here in a while ^^;
Everyone start shivering in fear, because I am back! ... with no ideas... D=. Man, eight days without a post. That's the longest it's ever gone. Sorry... After tomorrow, I'll have more time to think about the plot and come up with ideas. Hope I can get this back again?
Me too =D.
And I doubt FinalForm is even 14.
Hah.. Oh wait... No =D
Xbox 360 ftw?
I'm in. lol, I'm gonna get pwnd x3
OOC: Wtf D= No one's posted for like three days...
Hey dude, there's already a thread about this >>; Go there to see my opinion.
It's two discs long. Not short =3. I love this game ^^. get it, seriously, it's awesome.
Your poor internet threats don't scare me. =D I said, "I really only remember the third one. It sucks @ss"
I only really remember the third one. =/ It sucks @ss.
Anthem Part II, Blink 182.
El Oh El =D *High Five*
That's a matter of perspective.
Whatever they smell like, it's better than you. My cat smells like rain lol. el oh el indeed HK, el oh el indeed.