*Steals ticket*
STOP WASTING JAM And I already have that game o.o
Uhmm.... Yes! Of course you did! -gives jam-
PAGE STRETCHER. omfg how could you.
DON'T WASTE JAM! DDD: Besides, those could hit somebo- Oww...
FAIL Strawberry jam = WIN Well, I'd ask Madi what she thinks, but she's too busy eating jam.
Suuuuure you don't.
I couldn't help but notice the handcuffs laying right next to "RA".
-gives strawberry jam- Eat this, and you can throw the jar at him when he gets there. =3
-Opens lid carefully- Is it poison?
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb42/MadiYasha/Nearpic.png How did I do? I know the hair is a little off, but I tried xD.
WHOAMFG. friggin' EPIC. I can't find anything to crit, specifically because anything I'd crit can be blamed on the style. Should I upload my BB drawing?
STRAWBERRY JAM FOR B. =D *Hands jar of jam*
Welcome to the site, post lots and have fun! But, you know. Follow the rules and stuff, too.
Haha, welcome, follow the rules, what everyone else said. =D Have fun!
OMFG LAST EPISODE OF DEATH NOE IS ON ADULTSWIM.COM TOMORROW. I don't know about you, but it's important to me.
carbunzlwgem. lolz. I'm not that good. i took computer class last year, but only one semester ^^;
I'm at Best buy using their computers =D cya
I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's good. I'll have to watch it nao.
It's my biiiiiiiiiirthday.