>.> sure.... who are you David Copperfield!?~
Only about lines and which type of underwear I wear for the day.~
Three's company and that is where I draw the imaginary line..... or maybe here.......or....there....... ****!~
Home Improvment?~
Then I banish you to a eternity of "That 70's Show" reruns. *shivers* The horror........~
3.14 no sorry he is in algebra currently. Bust he will be glad to take massages at the sound of the beep. *BEEP*
Gatchaman in the house.
Drunk I have some stamina ++ for that
That is unless I'm around.
It is a great song. I have listened to the album Ego about a thousand times.
United, Take over, Create a Supernova!~
I didn't sign off.... >.> I just had to take a really awakward phone call.
They're my third favorite german band.
I would have said I'm ADD about being OCD at work.
Nobody listens to techno~Base Attack
No no no, it is I who lobes chuu.... Sociopath is a better profession.....it makes me clean my room.
Hello my partner in crime~
It isn't hard to get a P.I license~ I LOBE EVERYONE........except..... Kika.........JK
Do you want a martinie?~ Only if I can throw it in your face! A martinie and a napken, please.