**** My identiy has been thwarted.
In my pants mostly.... they speak to me about dark forces.
Sanity is boring. I'm insane and I'm enjoy every minute of it.
Now especially now that america wants the lastest so quickly that we have to wait 6 months for any new ones.
That makes two of us. I sometimes prefer Shojo beat somtimes over normal shojo. Your everyday......?!~ Now there is something you don't hear people say all the time.
I'm not suprised the amount of crack you do could lay out a small horse or a pony.
hay hay hay.... hay is for horses....
Turkey now there is a Country's name that brings a smile to my face....... I do love turkeys......oh I do, oh i do~
Oh dear the drugs are making her see things..... like big foot, Loch Ness, and William Shattner.
HA!~ That is what they said about the french revolution.
At the present time that just seemed a little over dramatic. Yes my highly influenced friend....yes she was right.
And those is the prossess when the crack seeps into the the brain.... it is a rookie mistake and you HATE to see it happen.~
When I figure when it is okay to where white after labor day.
Thats not maggots...... that a crack addiction sweetie....~
Oh so we are going to have the maggot convo again. I have already told you I have bad acid reflex and they help calm my stomache down.
I got to be honest, I thought you would have handled this better... tsk tsk.
Lawyer client confindetiality........ So.....yes.....yes I did.... and I enjoyed it~
Well if that horn I just heard is any indication..... then oni~chan is on is way to a "getaway" cruise. What don't look at me like that WOman.
*Hush* We all want our ni~ni...... like me I got some ni~ni last night.......
Sure, lets say for the sake of the argument. Alright I want her in a padded room with only a plunger a tooth pick.......and lets throw in MacGuyer.