T_T Those are the two things I wouldn't want people to think of when seeing Cia.
D: c: <3 :V Kay.
FljótavÃk - Sigur Ros
My brothers call me by the nickname of Cia. It's derived from one of my names. ._.' Yeah I have more than one. Maybe that should be my new username. ): Thoughts? ^ Jerome knows all about that stuffs.
._. I'm actually glad you went back to that.
^ Good song. Festival - Sigur Rós
This is what I saw :3! Thank you <3 N ya I've been busy with life. )_)' D: Sometimes change is good? I dunno why. I feel like I should. D: idk yet. v_v k. @VGN: ;_; Oh gawsh. </3
Góðan daginn - Sigur Rós
I remember when I was widely known throughout the land by all the folk. v_v
Would you all hate me terribly if I finally got a username change?
HoppÃpolla - Sigur Rós
The War - Angels & Airwaves
Dude this is so ****ing pimp. GoW <3. No complaints.
c: yah, <3 ilu 2
X3 itzzzzzz codyyyyyyyyyy
Viva La Vida - Colplay
Misfit Love - Queens of the Stone Age
It's just because it has teal in it. They're sexxxay, btw. <3
ahahaaaa <33 lol Saki's a chick? :x...
lol ya gogogo