xD You're never going to let me live that down, are you.
:3 How adorable. <3 Welcome to the site. I'm HigherBeing; people call me HB for short. Lol make sure you read the rules at least once before having fun. X3 Tata~
Sunblind - BT & PVD Feat. Jan Johnston
xD lmao
Starry Skies, Starry Eyes - nickasaur!
;_;... nnnooooo? :/ This makes me a terrible person, doesn't it.
/sigh This is one reason why I'm glad I'm graduating.
There's this ***** librarian with the most ridiculous attitude at my school that tells me BS every single time I check out books. So I go there and I'm like "hey, I wanna check out these four books and I'm returning 3." She's like "You can only check out three. And how are you here during class. Who's your teacher?" >:| She asks me this question every damn time I check out books. I'VE BEEN AT THIS SCHOOL. FOR 4 YEARS. I KNOW HOW MANY BOOKS YOU CAN CHECK OUT. Me: "I've check out four before and my teacher wasn't doing anything again." Her: ".... only THREE and who's your teacher" "Riche." "Oh he never lets anybody out EVER." YEAH BECAUSE YOU'RE IN RICHE'S CLASS, RIGHT. He does too let people out. >:| Me: "Well he did 'cause we weren't doing anything" I give her the books I'm checking back in and she's like "You need your ID card, you should know this." NO YOU DON'T NEED YOUR ID CARD. YOU CAN USE THE BOOKS YOUR RETURNING AS KEY TO YOUR PROFILE IN THE SYSTEM. So I'm like "... I forgot it." She's like "where is it" I should've told her I left it at home, "In wallet in class." She's like "I can hold it here for you." I storm away. I go back to class. I'm like "Riche, I came back for my ID card, I'll be right back again." He's like "I can't let you go out again, I already let you out." <--- He's never done this before. I swear the b*tch sent him an e-mail. I FEEL LIKE A CAGED ANIMAL. "Mr. Riche, I just forgot my ID card and you won't let me go back when we're not doing anything?" He's like "No, I can't." I'm like "Wow okay." Storm away. SO MY BOOKS ARE THERE. AND I'M PISSED OFF. HATE THIS SCHOOL AND IT'S ******RY RULES. Students get NO respect. I have nothing to do today now to waste time. ________________ And I almost got in a car accident on my way to school because this idiot wasn't watching where she was going this morning and that wouldn't have happened if my mom hadn't have made me late for the UMPTEENTH time. 8|
:/ Understandable. So was I at one point. c: Good luck, though.
:/ I've tried looking myself, actually. I couldn't find one. I bought some/ read most at the bookstore when I go on Saturdays.
xD Yeah I noticed how you said 'person' so I thought you might've not been sure. lol XD You're not horrible. <3
B| That's pimp. <3 That manga.
8| Your display picture... Isn't that... Kureha..
Ok first of all, <3 Domo-kun. 83 Secondly, XD lol I know, right. :y n she looks like a man in that picture. hahaaa
Nothing (93 Returning mix) - Holden & Thompson
:D l .
That's not what you said last night. :D
O_o Wtf. WTF?!?!?!?!!! Well that's kinda cool I guess. I wonder why.
:'D And my devilishly good looks. X3 lol
:c I'm sorry. I don't sign on much and I can't keep track of name changes. :D oh my gracious. Ours will be more adorable. :3