I hate homework. >_>
Love Addict ~ Family Force 5
What does you username mean/stand for? 8D No. xD It's kitting. ...I KNOW I NEED HELP. But it's fun; I'm thinking about knitting Mark a scarf.
subway is betterer
Awww. xD blahblah
That's good! I was getting worried. It's great that you found him. We thought we lost my other cat, until we heard her meowing behind one of the...
Hate to give you more work, but I've been waiting for this for a while. xD :Avatar Format: Size: 100x100 Stock: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/khchick55/kh2_38.png Text: Here for You Colors: Whatever you think works best Other: Could you have the tiny text underneath the main text? Like in your first avatar? :Signature/Tag Format Size: 380x130 Stock/Render: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-32891 Text: Screaming (underneath that in a smaller size) Until you hear me calling your name (if that's too much, just put 'until you hear me calling') Style: Whatever style you think looks best for this render. You're the artist, not me. For both of them, can you use a fancy font? Something like this?
You'll never guess what my new hobby is. xD
Especially since the only time I'm going to see him on break is the 21st.
They were supposed to be here by now. Hopefully they come in Monday.
It's going to take me a while, though. And his CDs haven't come in yet. >_>
I think I'm going to knit Mark a scarf. lol
Knitting. I love it.
You'll find him soon. You'll never guess what new hobby I picked up.
Did you find him yet?
Oh boy. I hope you find him.
Same to you.
How have you been?
There's a thread on Thousand Foot Krutch; a few actually. Same with Skillet. Anyways: I love both of these groups. They both have a great sound, great vocals, great acoustics, and all of their songs have a great theme/message. And both groups have cute lead singers. <3 Also, TFK is amazing live. I've seen them twice and I'm going to see them a third time in April; they're going to be the main group this time. I haven't seen Skillet live yet, but I plan to whenever they come near where I live. In my opinion, it's hard to choose which one is better. Each of them have their own sound, so they are both great in their own way. They are tied for me.
Feels So Right ~ Krystal Meyers