maybe it's a sign that you need a break or something.
you hate twi's forum?!?! O.O:: XD
thanks DK and Darky. LoL. I'm not always that cute XD
it's night where i am and what axel said is true
Roxas is now gone (TT.TT) and i agree with darky, feb 19, 07 is the grave date of KHV
ditto, hahannuh! i feel the same, everything became so....-speechless-
me in the car w/ my mom but she was gone when i took this! XD
i vote for roxy cause....he is hawt! plus, he has a keyblade! XD
oooooooooooo tnx guys! especially sgh! i feel so loved....*cries*
pudding? where? >> << >> << i dunt see it! T_T
thanks guys! oh and DK, ure right, i need to work on my editing.
floor carpet of
then i barfed...
What if Ansem was Bin Laden?
What if Kairi was in love with Selphie? O.o;;
here is the link to my 2nd amv: hope you guys will enjoy it! :D :)
What if Sora was a drunkie? XD
ooooooooooooooooooooo those piccys rox! thanks DS! XDDDD i see sora and namine holding hands! O.O;;
What if Riku was gay?
What if Sora's weapon is not a keyblade?