I really believe there's going to be a KH anime! If there's the game and the manga, why can't they realease an Anime? It was going to be soooo cool!! :D
I think the cutest scene was when Kairi hugged Sora on the World that never was :) ....So cute!! X3
First FF game I played? Final Fantasy VII! And it was the one I liked the most! :)
*Runs from Saïx*
"Ok...uh...I'm not going to kill you...BUT ONLY BECAUSE I WANT MY MALE BODY BACK!!" (OOC: XDD no prob Anniexo! XD)
" You're soooooooo dead Vexa!!" *summons scythe* "I think my little cut scythe wants to have a word with you..."
Every time I do something about KH i get mad!!(If that's so...I get mad all the time!!XD) Really you should see me! I look like I'm drunk or something! one of the madest things I've done was when I was dreaming...about the Organisation XDD My mom woke me up to go to school and I just said: "Go away Saïx...I'm still angry at you...you get no cookies..." My mom then started to laugh really loud and I woke up...yeah...XD
*stares* SOOO cool!! I wish I could do that...:) They're so well done!!! Way to go!!! :)
1. Missing - Evanescence 2. What I've done - Linkin Park 3. Dangerous and moving - TATU 4. Simple and clean - Utada Hikaru 5. Love me or hate me - Lady Sovereign
Bat Country in your pants LMAO LOOOL XDDD
Nice!! Really nice!! :) Great job!!:D
I really love pokemon games! they're so fun to play!! I have all of them!! excluding "Diamond" And yes I have the game boy advance emulator...:D Favorite pokemons: Ninetails Flareon Vaporeon Blaziken Sunflora You probally noticed that my favorite pokemons are fire type...excluding sunflora of course XD I just love fire pokemons!!! XD
I think you can! But you have to talk to the owner of this thread first! If you want, I can talk to him. :)
Meeting him was the first thing I would do!! But of course I was not going to run out from my dearly beloved house:p If he was a real person...my god...that would be great!! :D
I think they're great!! The two of them!! :)
Welcome to kh-vids.net!!! Hope you have fun while you're here!! :) Yes!! The people in here are very nice and friendly!! Oh! and don't forget to folow the rules!! XD
...Well...maybe Sora cutted out his hair when it grew up too much? (XDDD I know he didn't LOOL) I don't think long hair was going to be good on Sora anyways...XD About kairi and Riku...Yeah! Their hair had grown like crazy!! XD
The first thing I tought in the morning: "Gotta go to school and hear my stupid geography teacher yelling at us, then I'm not going to have french because my french teacher looooves to stay at home eating chips and not go to classes and then my school friends are going to have their revenge on me by throwing water on my back while I'm distracted" ...That's what I tought this morning.....XDDD
"Hey!! Hold on a sec!! I'm not Vexen!! I'm not a scientist!! How am I supposed to find out the cure for this??!!" *stops and looks at Saïx angry face* "OK!! OK!! I'LL TRY!!"
LOOOOOOOL XDDD OMG!! LOOOOL Riku really looks like Ansem in that pic!! XDDDD LOOOL hehehe to late to say this no? LOOL XD