Stab 'em
I lost all mine months ago. You get used to it after feeling like a total n00b for a season or two
... Oh dear. *shitz*
Now you have a cat bro (yay?)
I'm sorry I just didnt find it humorous D:
My cat woke me up at 3:57 this mornin'
... *facepalm*
I just got given a lvl 74 Guardian on Adventure Quest with the Blade of Awe and Guardian Armor
Kitty doll uses meow. Kiity doll greatly reduces missingcrono's ATT
Whips me T_T
Doopermon used poo fling. Poo Fling failed (I hate it on the games when that happens its just like "dued wtf?")
Doopermon learned Poo fling!
* postage *
Knows my occupation
Kool AID bish!
is a transvestite
As you can tell I'm uber bored. And I've been watching this too much
Wild OMGZ appeared. Wild OMGZ uses HAXORZ Wild OMGZ fainted
I like beans.