"Oh," He didn't know what else to say. He had forgotten that others had it bad, not just him. Philippe looked at the two fighters. "Well I don't know about any of you, but I want to get out of the rain before I catch a cold."
:laughing-smiley-004 yes it would get weird results.
Ignoring the others as they fought, he looked at Ceri. Philippe had a curious look on his face, "Who is watching us?"
lol. Maybe you should start a thread asking about why we have to post at least ten characters.
Philippe thought for a moment, then said, "A little, but I think it will take some getting used to. It is not like I'm going to start attacking randomly like that guy." He pointed to Seth.
Ya, me too. Why do we have it?
Philippe stood there, "What is going on? I thought we were fighting demons!"
lol, my sister bugs me, too! :) ------ Congradulations to you, Lord Knight Xiron!
"Not around here....my full name is Philippe Devione. You would probably recognize me on a poster at any police station with -what did that cop say?" Philippe paused for a moment. "Oh ya! With $100 000 on my head, apparently. I'm not a mass murderer or anything like that, but," here he paused again, "I'm no Sunshine either." Philippe then saw a guy ahead, "Who is that? Why does he want to fight?"
"Well, I suppose we should go in," Philippe said. He looked up. The Sun was behind the black clouds. No sunlight. It started to rain harder. He looked at the castle. "By the way, I can't form arrows without sunlight. Oh well, I still have my dagger," He paused, "and other abilities."
Why is Ceri looking at me like that? "You have a castle?" Philippe stared at him unbelievingly, "You would think bigger places are easier to locate by demons." he paused then added dryly, "How can you keep them away?"
Philippe relaxed. Well as long as he won't hurt anyone... He looked up at the sky. Clouds were coming in, "I think it's going to rain."
Philippe gaped at him. Half demon? I just agreed to work under a half demon! "Wh-what? How are you half demon? Are you safe?" Philippe managed to spit out. Philippe frowned. "Is this a joke?"
OOC: lol, ok. Does the weather change at all? If so, does only one person get to decide?
"Ah, I see," Philippe said. OOC: Sorry it's so short, I couldn't think of anything. I also have a question. When this rp started to now, it's been one day. Does time move in this rp?
Oh, those smilies. Ya I saw them. lol Your sister is moving out? Is that good?
"Stop demons from taking over? All I want to do is kill them all! I guess that's the same thing, though." Philippe responded. He looked at Ceri and then quickly looked away, lost in thought. "Well, I used to be able to afford to. Not now." He mumbled to himself. Philippe smiled when he overheard a demon talking, "This is much better. Now do we get to fight?"
"Thanks," Philippe said. He bit the apple. He didn't realize how hungry he was. After he finished the apple, he threw away the core. "Quest? What quest?"
A million smilies? What do you mean?
"Nice to meet you too," Philippe said. He suddenly remembered why he had tried to pickpocket the cop. "Does anybody have something to eat?"