Philippe looked darkeon. "What are you doing? We can't just leave them there!"
Philippe hesitated. "We will settle this later!" He jumped through the portal and raised his bow. He heard Draklor. "Why? What are you going to do?"
"So you 'accidently' ruined her life? Tell me why I should believe you!" Philippe screamed at him.
The copy was taken by surprise. zexion was changed back right in the copies hands. Zexion looked up, "Hello?" The copy dropped Zexion on the floor and was about to attack him, but Zexion sneezed. "Good ridance."
Philippe was mad. He went right up to Darkeon. "You! I trusted you! You never told me what you did to Ceri." Philippe took out his dagger.
Philippe looked at Draklor. Why is he doing this for us? He sneered at Cloudroth one last time before turning to the portal. "Come on! We have to get Natalie safe!" Then he caught sight of Darkeon. He turned from the portal and walked up to him.
the copy looked down at the Zexion card. Then looked at Luxord and smiled. Zexion copy picked up the card and was about to rip it in half.... OOC: That sounds neat! I can' tchange it for you, though. I'm not in charge of this thread.
Philippe grabbed Natalie's wrist and started to run, pulling Natalie with him, "Come on! We have to get you safe!"
Philippe went over to where Natalie was, "Do you need any help walking?"
Philippe didn't feel reassured, but he nodded to say he agreed. I guess I will have to kill Cloudroth the next time I meet him. He started to gather energy within him.
Both Zexions peered at Luxord.
zexion walked around. He saw many weird machines. There was one that looked especially weird. "Interesting. Mr. Wonka, what does this one do?"
Philippe was taken aback by this. Darkeon destroyed Ceri's life? I made an alliance with him. Philippe felt horrible. He liked Ceri more Darkeon and he had made a deal with her worst enemy! He couldn't look at her face. "Ceri, that is not why I was looking for him. I didn't know he did that to you.. I am sorry. I have done something really bad." Philippe looked up at her with sadness. "Please forgive me..."
Philippe was right behind Ceri, "Oh! Draklor is here!" That could mean Darkeon is somewhere near, "Draklor, is Darkeon here?" Philippe called over to the demon. Then he realized who Draklor was fighting. Cloudroth. Philippe scowled and aimed his bow, "I am going to kill you, Cloudroth." every word dripped with hatred and distain.
Zexion started laughing even harder, but stopped because he had to sneeze. "I am going to sneeze!" Zexion tried to hold it in, but failed. He sneezed and a copy of himself appeared.
I want more cookies, please! *Grabs another and takes a big bite out of it....*
Philippe stared at Ceri. Then looked at the portal. "Hey, wait up!" He ran after her.
zexion smiled. "Maybe you shouldn't let Saix go in there. He may eat all of your new ideas."
"I would enjoy a cup of coff-" Philippe stops and stares at Nicole. "What is wrong with her?!"
*Catches a cookie and starts eating it* bye Roxllen! -says this with mouth full of cookie-