X3 Heeheeee! 8D
'cause I get to talk to you XD :glomp:
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy! XDDDDDDDDDD
Ok I back XD wheeeee!
Hey brb, going to go grab some lunch. Should be 15-30 minutes.
Hmm...rob a bank? (Suggestion, not "have you?")
Do you get an allowance?
I know what you mean...one of these days, you'll have to buy a laptop when your mom's not aware of it. Think of the trouble you could do to her XD
O.o that's never a good sign...
Is okay. Did you get my last pm?
Uh I back now? ;-;'
Ok i back now X3
I'll brb in a few minutes; I'm just checking in XD
XD s'alright
Lol I missed ya XD
I'm going to go get some dinner. I'll be back in a bit. Bye bye XD
*psycho music* :eek:
...that's mean, kh-vids. T^T
It's okay XD school would be a much more entertaining and fun place if it weren't for things like homework XP