I'd suggest not rendering with the eraser tool lolz. You should get renders from Planet Renders. Also, look up some tuts for GIMP.
About the staff....er.....no. But awesome, we need another gfx artist here. k bye
Anyways, you should really read some tuts cause they help. Alot.
I use CS3, and I made it from scratch(If I didn't, that would be uh ripping...) And It's still a [W]orkn[P]rogress so I need some sirus cnc.
An amazing peice you have there.
V1.http://s301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/canihaztagz/?action=view¤t=YESWECANcopy.png V2.http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/canihaztagz/YESWECAN2.png Obama/Biden 08
You do know that this is scripted, right?
For a sig, it's alright..... This would be better suited for an ad or something. Meh.
This is not a bad tag, but it's not great either. The most noticeable thing in the tag is not the trooper, but your text. This is an unfortunate thing, because when this happens you might as well as not put the render in there. Good thing is you can always fix it one way or another..... My suggestion is that you move it closer to him, so you look at him first, then the text as your eyes wander a bit. The color of it is really distacting in itself. Try matching the colors with the tag via a clipping mask. It's also rather large for this tag IMO, so try scaling it down. Now the next thing I see is lack of depth...... I see him in a sandstormish place, but not much else. I would try and throw something like a faint desert thing in there or something. You have some okay effects in there, but it seems a little rushed.
This is the best i've seen, period --->. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0EAFsT6RIc
...Pathetic... ANYWHO! I've been interested in this for awhile.....BUT...... -glares-Treyarch-glares-
You make an account and you buy/play pc games to my understanding. I don't really know too much about it.
Yeah I play the 360 version. I don't play it much anynore because I prefer halo.
Oh god....please don't end up making this a tactical shooter, Bungie....
1. G3(red tiger/red dot) bandolier stopping power steady aim Ok, this is the most versitle weapon in COD4 and you need actual skill needed to use it properly. It can be a sniper, an M16, and an MP5 all in one if you know how to use it. My favorite gun in the game and my respect for a player goes up slighly if I see them attempting to use it. 2. M40(red tiger/ACOG) bondolier stopping power steady aim/deep impact This setup takes the most skill to use in terms of sniping. Once you master the regular scope, throw on ACOG to test how good you really are. This also does the maximum damage a sniper can deal if you use deep impact. For no scoping, this is the best class as well because it does maximum damage and is very accurate. 3. M10( gold/grip) stopping power steady aim This is good because the range and effeciveness goes through the roof. Not only can you shoot someone from an incredible range, it's extremly accurate and you can semi auto fire. Great for rushing. 4. Uzi(gold, silencer) bondolier stopping power/sleight of hand steady aim My favorite SMG out of the bunch. The accuracy is great, and you get headshots more frequenly than any other gun in the game. this shreds through juggernaut like no other and has a great firing rate making difficult close quarter situations incredibly easy. I change classes alot, but these are the ones I feel like putting up right now. Rank: Level 55 10th prestiege :D
GIMP sucks. CS3 ftw.
Then you are not a Catholic, since it's not what you believe. :/
I'll never understand why you people like that badly dubbed choppily animated shit with some of the most stiff, uninteresting dialog i've ever heard that you call "anime".
Your religion is the absence of a religion, what?
I never got why people are so self centered..... Anyways, there is no true "meaning". I guess you could say the goal is to reproduce as much as possible to continue the species.