Strawberry Patchu soda >>>> the overly sweetened nast crap I get here in Michigan
Actually, nerd is used more commonly to describe someone who is abnormally intelligent in school. Nerd is associable with geek, but not always.
Almost as Cool as Stealing Prosthetic Legs ~ Preschool Tea Party Massacre
Geek doesn't refer to someone who sings ghey Disney songs. :\ It refers to someone who is often found on the computer, playing video games, a fujoshi/otaku, or anything related to listed items. Definitely the wrong use of terminology....
I quite doubt you're actually eating sea salt icecream. :\
Ube purple yam, if you're awesome like that.
DOA: Fighting game Kasumi: character
Fixed. HAHAHA JUST KIDDING XD Yeah, I'm an ego whore tonight~
D: It reminds me of Kasumi from DOA. *3*
Why does he think this forum is so awesome?
How about Nevar_relax? XD My account is waiting for activation, but I'm already browsing. Dude, the Winx section has a bunch of pageants and crap. XD I'm dying.
Preparations are being made. XD I've also decided that after I'm banned for the first time, WT_Snacks will be my next alias. ;D
If it isn't already taken, I'll make an account there under the name Alice. After I get banned I'll update to further notice.
Oh ****, how did I not hear about this? I'm so doing it. It'll be like the Gaia raids all over again. >:3 BRACE FOR IMPACT WINX CLUB, YOU'RE FIRST.
No, I think it was my cat. ...FSCK
Deathnote is like a fad on here. I bet there are a few people who don't even watch it and have one. XD And yes, I'm one of those cunts who thinks they're superior to everyone because they read the manga before it was popular. :\ I AM A TAAAARD~
Fail for no Sephiroth. :\