This is fun ^^ I enjoy being by myself =]
Yeah. I also can't say I was happy when he did have Zexion killed.
Oh, my, he's under her bed? Watch your back, khchick. And that's exactly what he told me!! -HisNobody- No worries, he'll come around eventually ^^
Yeah, well, I think I'm just gonna crawl into a hole now. Toodles~
I wanna know why he won't answer me >.< And poor HisNobody xD
That's just disturbing, khchick x\
My brain hurts.
Thanks for saying it out loud <.> And it's bad enough I'm afraid of my real mom.. I don't need to be afraid of my internet one too ._. I jokes.
Stupid thing never gave me straight answer -_- But I'm glad I have a purpose on this earth ^^
Is he really? NO WAI!! Oh, my, he is!!! ^^ Glad I'm not the only penguin fan around here I was wondering that, too.. My mommy ish kinda scary, though.
Yayz, I'ma penguin~
...I wanna be a penguin ._.
If you click on 'New Posts' and you look for our thread, click on the number it says under 'Replies'.
I love the old stuff. My dad got me into it.
Oh, under replies, click on the number of posts. You're first, then HisNobody.. I'm 10th. That's depressing Glad you're okay, Sorafan!! ^^
Yup. Click on the replies. O.o *tacklehugs Sorafan* HIIII!!! How are you?
I'm okay, thankee ^^ I wanted to be invisible =[ ...Okay! SORAFAN!!!!! GET UP HERE!!! (and I'll have you all know, khchick has posted the most on this thread out of any of us ._.)
Haha, just a little bit. <------ Now I ish invisible~ *ahem* Anyway, before I was acting like myself.. How are you all?
Nope, I can't see you, khchick. You're entirely invisible Hiii guys.
Why do you people talk about me behind my back? T.T I can't help I'm a dork..