O_o Cool dance.
That cookie was good!
I don't look like any of them.... I think. No, wait, I don't.
I enjoy lvling before I kill Xemnas :p. I think I was 55 or 57 my first time.
Whew, safe. Yay a cookie! *munch munch munch* Being confused is kinda....fun.
O_o I think I lost it, I don't know whose in the cage anymore! lol
Ooooo....cookies.... Why am I in a cage? It is me in a cage, right...? Unless I've lost it. edit: teh cage is open.
I'm good! :p ...S.E Asia.....
I'm good! Just woke up. Where I am it's about 6 in the morning.
Hello everyone!
YAY! it's good to be happy! Who said that I said that I would not be happy here? Ooohh.....
I'm fine, really fine, superdeedooper fine, extremely fine, extra fine. it's okay.
We all feel like that one day! Seriously. :p
Yay! I got a cookie. :) Thanks.
Hey guys, I have a friend here (saxoR_vs_aroS) and he said that I should join. So can I please? I'd be in my element.
that is so true man everyone need a good hook
Hi, remember to post a lot, make friends, and have a good time. Don't forget to brush your teeth daily!
Have fun here, and make a lot of friends! Enjoy :)
14202 I don't think I'm cool....probably not anyway:D
14188 <- that's not me.