I use Corel Paint Shop Pro. I'm a newbie with it. I've had it for 1 day :p. I was just playin around.
I'm Not The One - Sum41 I feel like a Linkin Park song next....
O.o. It's like every second song I listen to gets stuck in my head for the next couple of songs...right now it's Imperfection by Skillet or I'm Not The One by Sum41.
Imperfection - Skillet
Oh yeah, only two! Lolz I forgot. I have to take out one. The banner then, the anti txt-talk one. Hmmm....then how do I out center-sig-greatness-sig you?
Grass! (it blows in the wind..... O.O I'm being weird again)
More Simple Plan; I'd Do Anything!
Just finished My Alien - Simple Plan. Listening to God Must Hate Me - Simple Plan.
:star-wars-smiley-02 it's sig battle now :p! even though you can only add 3 pictures at once and I already have 2 and I need the last one for the family sig! Need......air...... *gasp* I'm fine.
Still Standing - The Rasmus
Cheese! (I have no idea, but cheese pops into my head a lot.)
Fire! Burn, baby, burn! That was kinda random.
*nod nod* Mood does matter. It's Dirty Little Secret now by All American Rejects. :)
Okies :) Forget My Name - New Found Glory
Girl All The Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup lol I don't have many B.F.S songs. I'll go dig some more up!
Very interesting... I just don't know how to do music. Writing lyrics is a lot like writing poetry. New catchiest song! High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup.
High School Never Ends - more Bowling For Soup!
I've always wanted to do that. :p. But I get as far as lyrics.