"but still i thought that it was a complete lockout and everyone was just choosing to ignore me and that made me feel the same as when they were making fun of me"larxene said
"so dad just treats me just like dirt without proof and i mean he could have just talked to me but you do realize i could probably beat you in a fight now"sarena said grinning "but kairi they could be lying to me and then i'll never learn the truth i mean if she had turned dark she wouldnt just go around shouting it would she?"sora asked
"but honestly you should have talked to me on the islands i was lonely and had no freinds as you probably knew and you just waited till today to say anything"larxene said
"are you sure because very time i ever saw you you were always quiet and alone even when you didnt know i was around"larxene said "so your sure your not just trying to butter me up so i would do anything for you and you make me do everything you want done?"
ooc - ok bye bic - "wow thats brilliant thanks chrystale"xehanort said giving her a hug then turned and gave larxene a hug "wow chrystale thats awesom now you can see how right i was about xehanort being a great guy"larxene said
"oh yeah i forgot you could do that sorry everyone"naminé said
"whats with the smile what happened?"larxene asked "hey chrystale larxene was just telling me how you could do lots of things"xehanort said
"right then the end of the world here we come"sora said naminé pushed sora out of the seat and took over the controls and pressed the liftoff button and started flying
"well it started when i first had a little practise fight with sarena she kept losing her temper and i thought she was turning to darkness so i was weakening her and a second ago hikari said she was the one who wanted darkness so i started weakening her then sarena tripped me over and said that neither of them were dark and there was no reason to attack them"sora said "and i'm really sorry" "so he just accused me are dads supposed to do that?"sarena asked
naminé stopped in front of cid "hey is the gummi ready yet?"she asked "yup its ready for take off"he replied sora jumped inside naminé followed
"so did i actually look dark?"sarena asked now a bit worried she might be turning dark sora sat down next to kairi "hey i'm sorry about earliar i can tell you the real truth if you want"sora said
"she can do that?well i guess thats half the reason i came to get to know you again"xehanort said "well then you really are going to be shocked chrystale can do a lot of things"larxene said
sora walked away to look for kairi to apologize and tell her the whole truth "where did dad get the idea i had turned dark anyway?"sarena asked
"i-i did them because i thought if i found out more abou the darkness in the heart i could get rid of heartless and nobodies but look where that got me"xehanort said "i have a question why did you go to ansem in the first place?"larxene asked "he said it would benefit my loved ones but nope all it did was make two of them die"xehanort said and sighed "i only have a minute left"xehanort said
sora laughed and kept walking
"ok i get it now can you drop the keyblades?"sora asked "yup"sarena said dropping them on sora and walking away "come on hikari"
"oh lighten up if it was the other way around you'd see it as a joke"sora said
"yes chrystale its me finally you have the oppurtunity to talk to me rather than xemnas anyway you two want to talk?"xehanort asked "well for a start what was that letter all about the one saying you'd come back as light?"larxene asked "i was in a rush to write that i meant come back with light i only had certain control of my actions"xehanort replied "and you chrystale anything you'd like to talk to me about?"
"actually roxas i'm still alive and standing beside you"sora said grinning
sora jumped and did a rapid attack and didnt stop sarena kicked sora behind his knees so he fell over and pointed the keyblade at his face "listen neither of us are dark dad you have absolutely no reason to attack us"sarena said