"well lets just say i persuaded someone to give it to me someone who is sleeping with the fish right now so do you want a little memorie jogger but there is one thng i noticed it was called sibling tv at least thats what it sain in the corner 24 hours a day watching every move we make anyway do you want to watch it?"sarena asked
"i tell you what why dont you go watch sora and i'll watch riku fight ok?"larxene said to xehanort "ok i'll see you in a minute"xehanort said walking into the arena sora was in and sat down and watched larxene did the same in rikus arena
sarena laughed "mom your almost as bad as dad at lying i know you feel the same way either that or you were lying to dad just a coincidence i found this is it?"sarena asked holding up a camera
"clever your pretty smart chrystalegee my neices so talented and i never really knew"xehanort said shaking his head "i justhope sora and riku dont mistaken me for my heartless" "dont worry i'll protect you uncle xehanort"larxene said
"geez theres a new threatand nobody knows what it is how do you even know there is a threat then"dojo asked
"good point"larxene said walking up the stairs but going into a different room
larxene appeared beside chrystale followed by xehanort and saw the arenas "um chrystale what are those?"larxene asked "actually larxene it looks like two arenas with heartlessgenerators to me am i right chrystale?"xehanort asked
"so you summoned the heartless and how would you know how it feels to be dark?"sora asked ooc:i have to go now
ooc:i have to go now "are you sure"sarena asked
"what do you mean?"sora asked ooc:i advise you not to listen to the sog thoughit is annoying with a capital A
"you feel the same way as dad dont you?"sarena asked "hey i'm not treating her bad anymore"sora said running to catch up
"hey kairi dont be mad i ignored you for two seconds i did that because i thought naminé was dead and i thought it was my fault"sora said "i'm sorry" ooc:watch this it basicly shows you how strong chase is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hSj3wrJNw
"well seeing shes dead i might as well give her a proper burial"sora said walking over to a muddy patch dug a hole and put naminé inside and started o bury her the darkness on naminé dissappeared ans she started breathing again and spat out some mud and looked at sora "why are you burying me?"naminé asked getting up "you were dead you stopped breathing and you covered in darkness anyway lets catch up to kairi"sora said pulling naminé up and caught up to kairi
"are you kidding she was really acting dark as soon as she lost her temper heartless appeared then she hid behind me and they dissappeared"sora said "what makes you so sure mom?"sarena asked
"well omi do you know what this new threat is?"clay asked
ooc:so you do know who chase young is right? "if i hadnt hurried on ahead you wouldnt be dead would you?"sora asked ignoring kairi
"really like i said he pretty much just stood there when i asked him to give it all he had in a fight against me but when hes in a fight with hikari he does whatever hikari asks"sarena said "thanks at least sarena wont be there to hold us back"sora said "she is terrible at fighting"
"oh well maybeomi knows what we are up against"clay said and walked outside "howdy there omi do you know what this new threat is because i am clueless"clay said
"riku is um somewhere you knew that didnt you?"sora asked putting a hand on her shoulder "you will let me kill some of them wont you?"sora asked "mom why does dad like hikari more tan me what is it about me that makes me worse than hikari was i adopte or something"sarena asked
naminé's eyes opened and closed rapidly but she still wasnt breathing ut the darkness was moving into what looked like a message that was slowly forming the start "said help me kairi get rid of the"but the darkness was spreading and covering the message "naminé i'm sorry i should have waited"sora said as he had walked over to her